Monthly Archives: September 2024

This use of intertext thus creates a textual monument that is co-created by the reader and the writer

The contents of the stomach—which not even the possessor usually sees—is put on public display. The common reaction to vomiting, both producing it and witnessing it, is disgust. Julia Kristeva specifically mentions vomit as a material producing the situation of … Continue reading

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An analysis such as this also widens the category of monument in potentially fruitful ways

In order to experiment with potential dry farm rotations, as well as cover crops that can best scavenge excess nitrates and soil management regimes that can increase soil fertility at depth, farmers must be given both research support and a … Continue reading

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We used nonparametric spatial block bootstrapping to correct for this overconfidence

To test for a relationship between RCI and predictive factors, all variables were centered and RCI was regressed against a set of covariate data in a linear mixed model including US state as a random effect to account for regional differences . … Continue reading

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Among the most significant is the decreased budget for the 2501 program

It was not until early 2012, however, that federal regulations were made consistent with legislative changes. Because of the historic discrimination against farmers of color, and other structural barriers to land ownership for people of color, the population of agricultural producers … Continue reading

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Crop insurance programs are also highly influenced by corporate lobbying efforts

Toward this end, employers go to great lengths to unlawfully exclude qualified US workers in favor of H-2A workers, many of whom have themselves migrated to the United States during prior seasons. For example, employers schedule interviews at inconvenient times … Continue reading

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The goal of agricultural policy had shifted from support of production to the support of commodity prices

Stanley Hart White, Professor of Landscape Architecture at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign from 1922 to 1959, was granted US Patent 2,113,523 on 5th April 1938 for the Vegetation-Bearing Architectonic Structure and System in which he describes the method for … Continue reading

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The estimates of the parameters are functions of the milk cow herd size variable in question

Again, Wolf and Sumner find no evidence of a bimodal dairy industry using Farm Cost and Return Surveys of dairy farms for the years 1989 and 1993. In MacDonald et al. , they suggest that larger dairies tend to have lower … Continue reading

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Farmer knowledge accumulation by farmers in this study was mostly observational and experiential

In another example, several of the farmers learned about variations in their soil type by directly observing how soil “behaved” using cover crop growth patterns. These farmers discussed that they learned about patchy locations in their fields, including issues with … Continue reading

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The PURE index only captures impact from active ingredients in pesticides

The number of certified operations and cropland acreage in California doubled between 2002 and 2016. State organic crop sales increased almost tenfold at the farm level, in real terms, during the same time period . This essay uses field-level pesticide … Continue reading

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Local context may affect such trends in perceptions of availability

The present study found no effect of adolescent cannabinoid exposure in the escalation model, suggesting that adolescent WIN exposure may not facilitate the acquisition, maintenance, or escalation of cocaine use in adulthood. An alternative hypothesis is that the effect of cannabinoid use … Continue reading

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