The PURE index only captures impact from active ingredients in pesticides

The number of certified operations and cropland acreage in California doubled between 2002 and 2016. State organic crop sales increased almost tenfold at the farm level, in real terms, during the same time period . This essay uses field-level pesticide application records and a fixed-effects model to analyze changes in the environmental impacts of pesticide use for both organic and conventional fields over 21 years. The database covers all registered agricultural pesticide applications in California, and contains over 48 million pesticide application records for over 64,000 growers and 781,000 fields from 1995 to 2015. In total, data from more than 55,000 organic fields and 11,000 growers who operated organic fields are analyzed in this essay. The Pesticide Use Risk Evaluation model is used to assess the environmental impacts of pesticide use . The results show that the environmental impact of pesticide use per acre is lower in organic fields across all of the environmental dimensions for which PURE indexes are defined: surface water, groundwater, soil, air, and pollinators. The difference in the impact on air is the smallest because natural pesticides are not systematically different from synthetic pesticides in terms of volatile organic compound emissions. The estimated impacts on all five environmental dimensions are positively correlated with farm acreage. The measure of farmer experience is positively correlated with estimated impacts per acre on surface water and groundwater, hydroponic drain table and negatively correlated with estimated impacts on soil, air, and pollinators but the difference associated with variation experience are smaller than the estimated effect of whether the field is organic or not by orders of magnitude. Environmental impacts and the difference between organic and conventional production vary by crop.

Four major California crops, lettuce, strawberries, processing tomatoes, and wine grapes, are examined in detail.The benefit from organic agriculture is partially paid by consumers through a price premium for organic products . Whether organic production is the most cost effective way to reduce the environmental impacts of agriculture is not the focus of this essay. However, readers can gain some insight into the performance of organic agriculture by comparing the cost of alternative tools and their effects on environmental quality. The contribution of this essay is threefold. First, it links the environmental impacts of organic crop production directly to pesticide applications. To the best of my knowledge, no other studies have examined this relationship. Previous literature provided abundant evidence on the environmental impact of organic agriculture as a system but failed to quantify the impact of specific farming practices . Here, AIs and their contributions to environmental impacts are identified individually, which enhances the understanding of the differences in pesticide use between organic and conventional agriculture and how they vary across crops. Second, this essay uses the PURE model to assess the environmental impacts of pesticide use . Compared to the risk quotient approach, which is another common method in the literature , the PURE model provides a more salient measure of environmental impacts by incorporating additional environmental information, such as the distance from the pesticide application to the nearest surface water. The PURE model calculates risk indices for five environmental dimensions: surface water, groundwater, soil, air, and pollinators. Third, by using the Pesticide Use Report database, this essay’s findings are based on the population of pesticide application data.

Prior works include meta-analyses that cover numerous field experiments and commercial operations examined for a crop or a small geographic area over a limited period of time. California’s agriculture is characterized by many crops and diverse climate and soil conditions. The comprehensive coverage of the PUR database eliminates any sample selection issue. The rest of the essay is organized as follows: section 2 introduces the PUR database and PURE model and presents summary statistics of historical pesticide use, section 3 provides the identification strategy to tackle grower heterogeneity, section 4 presents industry level and crop-specific estimation results, and section 5 concludes. To obtain the USDA organic certification, growers must meet requirements on several aspects of production: pesticide use, fertilizer use, and seed treatment. The requirement on pesticide use is burdensome because pesticides approved in organic agriculture are expensive and have less efficacy. Pesticide and fertilizer AIs used in organic agriculture undergo a sunset review by the National Organic Standards Board every five years and the main criterion is whether the ingredient is synthetic or not. In general, it is not reasonable for growers to use those pesticides exclusively but not apply for the organic certification, given higher price and lower efficacy of those pesticides. Therefore, growers who comply with the NOP’s requirement on pesticide use can be viewed as equivalent to certified organic growers for the data sorting purpose. In Wei et al. , authors located individual organic fields using this approach. Namely, any field without a prohibited pesticide applied for the past three years is considered organic. Their paper compared organic crop acreage from PUR to other data sources and showed that pesticide use records alone can be used to identify organic crop production. Environmental conditions for each field and toxicity values for each chemical are used to calculate the value of the PURE index developed by Zhan and Zhang .

The PURE index has been used in previous studies to represent environmental impacts of pesticide use . The PURE index indexes environmental impacts of pesticide use in five dimensions: surface water, groundwater, soil, air, and pollinators. For each dimension, the PURE index is calculated on a per acre basis and it varies from 0 to 100, where 0 indicates trivial impact and 100 rep- resents the maximum impact. Excluding air, the PURE index is the ratio of the predicted environmental concentration to toxicity to the end organisms. The PEC estimates the effect of the pesticide application on the concentration level for chemicals in the environmental sample. The toxicity values cover both acute measures, such as LD50, and long-term measures, such as No Observed Effect Concentration and acceptable daily intake for humans. End organisms are fish, algae, and water fleas for surface water, humans for groundwater, earthworms for soil, and honeybees for pollinators. The PURE index for air is calculated based on potential VOC emissions, which is a common measure of airborne pollutants emitted from agriculture production . The emission of VOCs is defined as the percentage of mass loss of the pesticide sample when heated. Unlike toxicity, VOC emissions do not have a strong link to whether the AIs are synthetic or natural. For example, the herbicide Roundup®, which contains glyphosate, has zero VOC emissions because there is no evaporation or sublimation. Meanwhile, sulfur products, which are widely used in organic agriculture, also have zero VOC emissions. Inert ingredients, which are not covered in this essay, are also found to have negative impacts on the environment and on pollinators in particular . Conventional and organic growers adopt different pest management practices. As specified by the NOP, organic growers shall use pesticides only when biological, cultural, and mechanical/physical practices are insufficient. Chemical options remain essential for organic pest management programs. Currently over 7,500 pesticide products are allowed for use in organic crop and livestock production, processing, and handling. In Figure 1.1, the acreage treated with different types of pesticides is shown on the left y-axis for both conventional and organic fields. Treated acreage is divided evenly among types for AIs that belong to multiple pesticide types, such as sulfur, which is both a fungicide and an insecticide. The average number of pesticide applications per acre, which is defined as the total treated acreage divided by the total planted acreage, is plotted against the right y-axis in both panels. This is a common measure of pesticide uses that controls for differences in application rate among pesticide products . If multiple AIs are used in a single application, rolling benches hydroponics the treated acreage is counted separately for each AI. Planted acreage remained stable for conventional agriculture over the study period, so changes in the average number of applications per acre were due to changes in treated acreage. Organic planted acreage grew dramatically, but treated acreage increased even more. The number of applications per organic acre rose from 2 to 7. Figure 1.1 provides a highly aggregated view of pesticide use as different pesticide products with different AIs and application rates are used in conventional and organic fields. Examining the Figure 1.1 , insecticide is the most used pesticide type, accounting for 36% and 44% of total treated acreage in conventional and organic agriculture respectively in 2015. Herbicide is the second most used type of pesticide in conventional fields. In contrast, organic growers’ use of herbicides is limited. Fungicide is another major pesticide type, and sulfur is the most used fungicide AI in both conventional and organic fields.

Sulfur is an important plant nutrient, fungicide, and acaricide in agriculture. The pesticide group “others” primarily includes plant growth regulators and pheromones. Disaggregating insecticide use provides more detailed insight into the nature of the difference between conventional and organic production. Figure 1.2 plots the insecticide treated acreage by physiological functions affected . Only three groups of insecticides are available to organic growers, while six are available to conventional growers. In conventional agriculture, 67% of treated acreage in 2015 was treated with insecticides that targeted nerves or muscles, which include organophosphates, pyrethroids, and neonicotinoids. For organic growers, two AIs, spinosad and pyrethrins, are available to target those physiological functions. The “unknown” category, which is mostly sulfur, accounted for a significant portion of treated acreage in organic agriculture. Insecticides that target the midgut, which includes Bacillus thuringiensis and several granulosis viruses, are widely applied in organic fields. Conventional growers rarely use them due to the high cost. In 2015, acreage treated with midgut targeted insecticides was 1% of total treated acreage in conventional agriculture and 24% in organic agriculture. A detailed discussion of insecticide and fungicide use by mode of action in conventional and organic production is in the appendix. Insecticides and fungicides in the two pest management programs have different modes of action and pose different levels of environmental impact. Simply comparing treated acreage or the amount of pesticide products used does not identify the differences in environmental impacts. In this context, the PURE index serves as a consistent measure across farming systems.Figure 1.3 plots PURE indices for conventional and organic fields by year. Index values for air and soil are significantly higher than those for the other environmental dimensions in both farming systems, which means that pesticide use in general has greater impacts on air and soil quality than groundwater, pollinators, and surface water. Risk indices of conventional fields are relatively stable from 1995 to 2015, with no obvious overall changes for air or soil, despite the many changes that have occurred during this 20-year period in regulations and grower portfolios. While PURE indices decreased 16% for surface water, 26% for pollinators, and 7% for groundwater over the same time period, these three were much less impacted by pesticides in 1995, the beginning of the study period. Despite the numerous regulatory actions designed to reduce environmental impacts over this 20-year period, such as the methyl bromide phase-out, large-scale substitution of pyrethroids for organophosphates, and regulations to reduce VOC emissions from non-fumigant products, the overall environmental impacts of conventional pesticide use show only limited reductions when aggregated across all crops. PURE indices for organic fields are similar to conventional fields in that the air and soil have significantly higher index vales than the others. However, the aggregate risk indices in all five dimensions are much lower in organic fields. Compared to conventional agriculture, organic agriculture has dramatically lower PURE indices for surface water , groundwater , air , soil , and pollinators . The reduction for air varies greatly across major California crops. Large reductions in the PURE index for air are observed for table grapes , wine grapes , and processing tomatoes , while others had relatively small ones such as leaf lettuce and almonds . The reduction in the PURE index for soil varies across crops as well, ranging from leaf lettuce to carrots . For surface water, groundwater, and pollinators, the differences between the PURE index in organic and conventional fields are similar across crops.

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