Cooks may be more likely to remain in the room while cooking with kerosene fuel

Except for three cases, none of the participants who had smoked reported that they had ever quit smoking for 6 months or more. Therefore, we classified smokers as ever-smokers and never-smokers. The median smoking experience for both cases and controls was 8 pack years . More cases than controls had had household members with TB. Moreover, cases were more likely to be using BFS or KFS than were controls . The distribution of cooking fuel used by the study participants was biomass from wood or crop residues , LPG , kerosene , and biogas . We created a heating fuel variable that treated participants who reported either using electricity or using no heating fuel as the reference category, and the remaining subjects, who mainly used wood , as the biomass fuel category. The biomass group included a few women who used coal and kerosene for heating. We verified stove-fuel types and ventilation characteristics in the houses of 28 participants. All 18 participants who had reported their main cook stove as being a biomass stove were found to be correct, as were the five reporting use of a LPG stove. One of the four participants who had reported using a kerosene stove, however, was found to be using an LPG stove. On that basis, the accuracy of stove reporting was 96%. In the inspection of ventilation characteristics, one participant who had reported not having a window in her kitchen was found to have a temporary outside kitchen with a window sized opening. Two participants who reported having a window in the kitchen actually did not have a window. Based on these data, the accuracy for reporting ventilation was 89%.We considered the possibility that this may have been because some Buddhists who live around Pokhara are Tibetan and reside in refugee camps. Crowded conditions in those camps could facilitate TB transmission. However, only 8 of 40 Buddhists in the study were Tibetan refugees—an insufficient number to explain the finding. Other studies have also shown differences in TB rates between racial and religious groups, including Tibetan Buddhists . Before concluding that statistical associations are causal,rolling benches for growing it is important to consider alternative explanations, particularly whether study results might be a result of selection bias, information bias, or confounding in the study design, data collection, or analysis.

As with all case–control studies, selection bias in the recruitment of controls is a potential concern. In this study, a systematic procedure for recruitment of all controls from inpatient and outpatient departments of MTH was used, and only one potential control refused to participate. Because most cases were recruited from the RTC, and all controls from MTH, the catchment areas for MTH and RTC might have been different. RTC patients came from a broader area, because it is a referral center for the western development region of Nepal. A higher proportion of cases than controls were from five districts other than Kaski. The Kaski district includes Pokhara city, and in general, Kaski residents are more likely to live in urban areas and to be wealthier. This could simply mean that living outside of Kaski is associated with higher exposure to TB risk factors but, alternatively, could indicate some selection bias. We adjusted for area of residence in the final model, but this would not necessarily have eliminated such a bias. Another possible source of selection bias arises because we did not exclude some other, non-TB respiratory disease cases from the control group. Unfortunately, control diagnoses were not collected at the time of the study and proved impossible to obtain in retrospect, because of the limited period for which the hospital retains patient records. Because absence of TB was confirmed in controls by X-rays, we can, however, be confident that no chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or pneumonia cases were among our controls. It is possible that inclusion of respiratory disease cases among the controls could have produced a bias toward the null, if risk factors for those cases were similar to risk factors for TB. Information bias may take the form of outcome mis-classification or exposure mis-classification. Because all cases were newly diagnosed with active pulmonary TB on the basis of evidence from clinical tests, and controls were also confirmed by chest X-ray and on-the-spot sputum smear testing as not having active pulmonary TB, we consider that disease mis-classification is unlikely to have occurred.

We obtained all the exposure data by questionnaire. Case–control studies are often considered susceptible to recall bias, in that cases may be more likely than controls to remember past exposures. Because questions asked in this study were about common exposures, however, which both cases and controls experience on a day-to-day basis, we expect recall to have been accurate and any differential recall to have been minimal. We verified the high level of accuracy of reporting of two key exposure variables by visiting the homes of 28 study participants. Considering this, and that there is no prevailing belief that indoor smoke exposure from biomass-burning stoves or kerosene-burning stoves or lamps is related to TB occurrence, we believe exposure misclassification is likely to be minimal. One possible limitation, however, is that we only asked about the main cooking fuel used. This might have led to some misclassification of exposure status. The third main area of potential bias is confounding. We collected data on a much more comprehensive range of exposures than did previous studies and investigated their potential to confound the associations with fuel use. Although confounding was present, adjustment with these variables did not eliminate the key associations. There may, of course, be some residual confounding due to mis-specification of the variables, and there is no way to rule out the possibility of unknown confounding factors causing the associations found. One possibility is malnutrition, for which we obtained no data and which is a known risk factor for TB. However, family income, for which we did obtain data and which is an excellent indicator of a family’s ability to feed itself, was taken into account. A notable finding in our study was the association with biomass used as a heating fuel. This was unexpected because the study design focused on cooking-fuel use. Hence, the study population was limited to women, who generally do the cooking in Nepal. Although we collected data on history of stove and cooking fuel use, we did not collect a comparable level of data for heating fuels and so are unable to examine heating-fuel use for evidence of an exposure–response relationship.

In hindsight, the findings with biomass as a heating and a cooking fuel make sense. Women may light a cooking fire, set the pot atop it, and leave the room, returning only periodically while cooking takes place. On the other hand, use of heating fuel involves minimization of ventilation and deliberate exposure,commercial drying racks as the family sits around the fire. In tropical India and Africa, where several of the other TB and biomass studies have been carried out, use of heating fuel is less common than in the mid-hills of Nepal, where nighttime and winter temperatures are lower. Our study also found the OR for TB to be high among both kerosene stove and lamp users, particularly the latter. Kerosene cooking fuel and kerosene lamp users were for the most part mutually exclusive groups. Only one of the 22 kerosene lamp users in the study used a kerosene stove. Kerosene stove users were more likely to use electricity for lighting. With one exception, as far as we are aware, no previous studies have examined a relationship between kerosene and TB . This one study, carried out in Mexico, obtained crude ORs for use of kerosene-burning stoves of 1.9 for active TB and 4.4 for past TB; no adjusted estimates were presented. We have been unable to find any studies where the relationship between kerosene lighting and TB has been investigated or even incidentally reported. The question arises as to why kerosene as a cooking fuel could be a TB risk factor but not biomass cooking fuel. This could have something to do with the nature of the emissions. Biomass burning produces very obvious smoke, which may irritate the eyes and respiratory tract, encouraging avoidance behavior. Kerosene, on the other hand, has the appearance of burning more cleanly, even if it does produce substantial amounts of fine particulate matter and vapor-phase chemicals, and may not encourage the same avoidance behavior as biomass smoke.There are also likely to be differences in the toxic effects of the pollutant mixtures from the two fuels. Kerosene is one of the main sources of cooking fuel in urban areas and lighting fuel in rural areas of developing countries, including Nepal. Therefore, if kerosene burning can be confirmed as a TB risk factor in other studies, the public health implications would be substantial. In rural areas not connected with electric power, kerosene wick lamps are burned at least 4–5 hr every day. Commonly, these lamps are homemade devices that are highly energy inefficient, with low luminosity. Simple wick kerosene lamps emit substantial amounts of smoke and particles . A study conducted in rural Malawi has shown a higher loading of particulates in alveolar macrophages in men from exposure to kerosene in lamps compared with candles, hurricane lamps, and electric lamps . Other emissions from kerosene combustion include carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, formaldehyde, and various VOCs .

An indoor air pollution study conducted in Bangladesh slums has shown significantly higher concentrations of benzene, toluene, xylene, hexane, and total VOCs emitted from kerosene stoves than from wood burning stoves . The use of kerosene fuel is associated with harmful effects that have been documented in a few studies. These effects include impairment of ventilatory function and a rise in blood carboxyhemoglobin in women exposed to kerosene fuel smoke , and a higher incidence of acute lower respiratory infection in children in homes using KFS and BFS . A causal relationship between exposure to biomass fuel smoke and TB is biologically plausible. The smoke could affect either risk of infection or risk of disease in infected people, or both, as has been shown to be the case with tobacco smoking . Without knowledge of the time of infection, however, the present study cannot distinguish between the two possibilities. Inhalation of respirable particles and chemicals found in smoke from these sources generates an inflammatory response and impairs the normal clearance of secretions on the tracheobronchial mucosal surface, and may allow TB bacteria to escape the first level of host defenses, which prevent bacilli from reaching the alveoli . Smoke also impairs the function of pulmonary alveolar macrophages, an important early defense mechanism against bacteria . Alveolar macrophages isolated from the lungs of smokers have reduced phagocytic ability compared with macrophages from nonsmokers and secrete a lower level of proinflammatory cytokines . Exposure to wood smoke in rabbits has been shown to negatively affect antibacterial properties of alveolar macrophages, such as their ability to phagocytize bacteria .Pyrethrum spray collections were conducted monthly in 30 randomly selected sentinel houses in each village from January 2012 to June 2014. Mapping of the location of the houses around the study region was done by the global positioning system and the geographical coordinates recorded. The number of people sleeping in each house was recorded during mosquito sampling. Mosquitoes collected were morphologically identified as An. gambiae s.l. or Anopheles funestus. Legs and wings of the female An. gambiae s.l. were frozen at −20°C in labelled vials before molecular identification by PCR into An. gambiae s.s. or An. arabiensis according to Scott et al.. The head and thorax of the mosquitoes were separated from the abdomen and sporozoite ELISA was used to determine their infectivity with Plasmodium parasites.To determine the mosquito active peak hours during night, rotator traps were set up during the dry season in July–August in 2013 and in the wet season in May–June in 2014. These traps were set both indoors and outdoors in three selected sentinel houses.

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