Author Archives: hemp2022

Dermal emission rates were found to be substantially larger than breath emission rates

Although most of the experiments measured whole-body emission rates, a subset of experiments measured dermal and breath emissions separately. Over the range of conditions studied, the measured NH3 emission rates ranged from 0.4 to 5.4 mg h-1 person-1 . These values … Continue reading

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Humidity may play a role in sensory perception of indoor environmental quality

Novel medications and novel biological targets call for careful assessment of mechanisms beyond the “usual suspects”, such as changes in mean levels of subjective response and alcohol craving. Ultimately, the combination of multiple scientific approaches, including human laboratory, DDAs, neuroimaging, … Continue reading

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There was no significant difference in the detection frequencies between mothers and children

The ELISA was performed using 96-well high binding micro titer plates coated with coating antigen cAg06 , washed with 10mM phosphate buffered saline + 0.05% Tween 20 , blocked with 0.5% bovine serum albumin in PBS. All standards, quality control … Continue reading

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Hepatitis C virus infection status was categorized as HCV negative if HCV antibody testing was negative

To the best of our knowledge, there has not been a published report that has followed HIV+ individuals and MSM longitudinally over an extended period to characterize the natural history of their marijuana use. Past studies on substance use patterns … Continue reading

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Prospective studies have also demonstrated an increased risk of ARDS among smokers

In 2014, PM less than 10 mm in diameter and less than 2.5 mm in diameter accounted for at least 3 million deaths and 85 disability-adjusted life years, primarily because of impacts on chronic cardiovascular and pulmonary conditions.Recently, air pollution in the … Continue reading

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Counts and rates were not reported when n < 16 to protect the identity of individuals in the dataset

Specific to being a sexual minority, GBM who were not out about their gay identity were less likely to report having any other mental health condition at the univariable level than those who were open about being gay. We posit that this … Continue reading

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Edaravone is an antioxidant and ROS scavenger marketed as a neurovascular protective agent

While the consensus on a healthy diet has generally been interpreted to mean limiting intake of sodium, red meat and saturated fat intake, several other dietary factors have been reported to reduce stroke risk, such as diets rich in magnesium, … Continue reading

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What Can You Grow With Vertical Farming

Frequent testing for HIV infection can identify new infections early, and it is essential in ending the HIV epidemic. HIV self-testing is an alternative HIV screening method that is commercially available, approved by the Food and Drug Administration, and can … Continue reading

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Are there post-harvest processing techniques that enhance the final product?

Yes, there are several post-harvest processing techniques that can enhance the final quality of cannabis products. These techniques focus on refining the raw cannabis material to improve characteristics such as potency, flavor, and overall appeal. Here are some post-harvest processing … Continue reading

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Can you provide insights into the lifecycle of a cannabis plant in an indoor commercial cultivation facility, from seed to harvest?

Certainly! The lifecycle of a cannabis plant in an indoor commercial cultivation facility typically goes through several stages: germination, seedling, vegetative, flowering, and harvesting. Here’s an overview of each stage: Throughout the entire lifecycle, careful monitoring of environmental conditions, pest … Continue reading

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