Author Archives: hemp2022

The VEA-derived stable products are extremely informative for developing the proposed mechanism

The information given by the total ion chromatogram is limited because of its complexity caused by co-elution and background noise. Instead, single ion chromatograms of different mass to charge ratios were extracted for isolating peaks ofindividual compounds, while avoiding co-elution and background … Continue reading

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Coil surface area is also an important parameter that could affect thermal decomposition rates in various coil designs

In addition to thermal degradation products, flavoring chemicals are also found to be significant components in e-cigarette aerosol. Allen et al. 53 measured the concentration of diacetyl , 2,3-pentanedione , and acetoin in 51 e-cigarettes from different brands and flavors, with … Continue reading

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E-liquid is the solvent-based liquid that converts to an aerosol by the atomizer during the heating process

Milwaukee’s urban agriculture organizations have worked to secure longer leases for community gardens, but they have not succeeded in purchasing and preserving many of the sites, so most of the city’s gardens remain vulnerable to development. The gardens that exist today … Continue reading

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Clustering in measures of garden accessibility was less clear-cut

Assessing the socio-demographic dynamics of urban agriculture development in New York City, Reynolds notes that while low-income communities, immigrants and people of color often bring significant knowledge, energy and enthusiasm to the development and maintenance of gardens, these groups tend to … Continue reading

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A primary set of structural constraints affecting all three cities is their existence in a market economy

These elements of urban political economy can be seen as the municipal government’s own organizational environment, which the government and its representatives must attend to in order to maintain their legitimacy, resource flows, and survival. Whether in pursuit of land … Continue reading

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The difference in civic conventions is evident in interviews and documents from the three cities’ garden programs

When civic conventions are built into the local governance infrastructure, such as the mandates of various agencies or the procedures for urban planning, these formalized conventions are an aspect of the local political opportunity structure. That is, civic conventions involve … Continue reading

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The strong economy in Seattle has been critical to the expansion of its community gardening program

While Milwaukee had never made urban agriculture illegal, as many other cities had, gardening activities were still technically constrained in the industrially zoned areas with most of the large vacant lots, so the land use policy task force worked to … Continue reading

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Winning policies that afford stronger protection therefore requires outsider strategies

Specifically, my spatial analysis indicates that the main citywide programs in Milwaukee, Philadelphia, and Seattle have generally developed gardens closer to marginalized communities than to more privileged ones. Overall, gardens in each city have been located closer to neighborhoods with … Continue reading

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The workers on every level of the ladder worry about factors over which they lack control

The crew bosses are under constant supervision from the crop managers, although they can take short bathroom breaks and they often carry on light-hearted conversations with coworkers. Most crew bosses are US Latinos, with a few mestizo Mexicans and one … Continue reading

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Several farmers also raised issues related to how well soil tests were calibrated to their type of farm

Among these farmers that responded with a list of key nutrients, some talked about having their nutrients “lined up” as part of their fertility program. This approach involved keeping nutrients “in balance,” such as for example, monitoring pH to ensure … Continue reading

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