The trend in weed dry weight was similar to that observed in weed density

The cotton area in Karaikal region is 134 ha. Rice-fallow cotton cultivation is a unique system of cultivation, wherein the cotton seeds are dibbled amidst the rice stubbles without tilling the soil to effectively utilize the residual soil moisture. Thus, in this system, cotton faces a severe competition from the early emerging weeds and weeds that are already present in rice field at the time of harvest. The problem of weed menace in rice-fallow cotton would be aggravated if the previous rice crop was not weeded adequately.Weed management during the early stages of cotton growth is more important. Hence, it is necessary to find out the critical period of crop weed competition to make weed control method more effective and economical. At 20 DAS, no weed dry matter production was recorded in weed free for specific period treatments whereas all weedy for specific period treatments recorded significantly higher and similar weed dry matter production . The highest dry weight of weeds was recorded in weedy up to harvest at all the stages followed by weedy up to 100 DAS except at 80 DAS, wherein weedy for 100DAS recorded the highest DMP. In weedy for specific period treatments, the total weed dry matter production increased up to 80 DAS and then decreased slightly. The weed dry weight increased with increase in the duration of weed infestation period and decreased with increase in the duration of weed free period.

The highest dry weight of weeds was observed in weedy up to harvest, throughout the crop growth period .This may be attributed to the highest population of the weeds observed in this treatment which could have effectively used the resources like water, nutrients and sunlight to produce higher dry mater. The weed dry weight was proportional to the density of weeds.This is evident from the significant positive correlation observed between the weed density and dry weight.From 40 DAS onwards ,marijuana grow system weed free up to 20 DAS recorded significantly higher weed dry weight than weedy for 20 DAS and was on par with weedy up to harvest indirecting that a weed free period of initial 20 DAS is insufficient to contain the weed growth. Maintaining the field weed free for first 40, 60, 80 and 100 days reduced the weed dry weight by 50, 72,96 and 97 percent, respectively. This indicates that the dry matter production by weeds can be reduced to half by maintaining the field weed free initial 40 days. Similar results were earlier reported by. Weed interference for only first 20 days caused no significant loss in seed cotton yield . When weeds were allowed to remain beyond 20 days or longer, the yield was reduced significantly. The LSD for seed cotton yield was 3.52 q or 13% of weed free check. By using this LSD = 13% we can see that the seed cotton yield was statistically at par with weed free check when weedy period last only up to initial 20 days and weed free period onward up to 60 days or more weed competition worked out to be between 20 and 60 DAS in rice fallow cotton and also used LSD to find out the critical period of weed competition observed that the critical period of rainfed cotton was 30 to 60 DAS. observed that the critical period for weed competition in irrigated cotton to be from 40 to 60 DAS.

However, maintaining the field weed free beyond80 DAS considerably reduced the seed cotton yield due to lower boll setting percentage. Season-long weed competition the seed cotton yield by 96.5 percent. The yield was found to decline at the rate of 6.019 kg·ha−1 for every kg of weed dry matter produced. The presence of weeds for the first 40 days caused 50.9% reduction in yield indicating that initial weed infestation was harmful to the crop. In contrast, crop initially weeds free for 40days recorded only 14.0% reduction probably because weeds emerged after days did not pose any adverse effects on crop yield. As the opioid epidemic continues, different approaches to pain management are required so as to reduce the amounts of opioid prescribed to patients suffering from chronic pain. One therapeutic option that has been considered is cannabis and multiple states today have instituted a medical marijuana program for different conditions, one of those being chronic pain. Marijuana exerts its effects through the endo-cannabinoid system which has 2 types of receptors: type 1 and 2cannabinoid receptors. CB1 mediates the neuropsychiatric effects of marijuana as the receptor is expressed in the central nervous system.CB2 is expressed in peripheral blood mononuclear cells.Multiple studies have demonstrated an association between marijuana legalization with reductions in rates of opioid overdose and opioid-related hospitalizations among other outcomes. In July 2014, the Compassionate Care Act was enacted in the state of New York allowing the establishment of a medical marijuana program to meet the needs of residents of the state.

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Yield and weed competitiveness are effectively predicted by early visual vigor

Although a wide variation in traits was observed among cultivars, none of them gave satisfactory yield under aerobic conditions. Binadhan-5 emerged as the most productive, whereas BRRI dhan59 appeared as the most weed suppressive rice variety. The least productive cultivar was BRRI dhan55, which was closely followed by Binadhan-8and BRRI dhan58. Based on reports in earlier studies , the present study included a variety of commonly cited traits including plant height, tillering ability,early visual vigor, duration, and SPAD values. Significant variations among the varieties were recorded suggesting that selection based on those traits was practical.Plant height is considered as desirable characters for weed suppressive cultivars.Although plant height varied widely among the cultivars, early plant height i.e. height at 30DAS was strongly and negatively correlated with weed dry weight. Earlier and faster growth allowed the rice crop to compete with weeds for plant resources, and this was reflected in the crop yield.Early visual vigor or vigor index, a reliable predictor of crop biomass integrating both height and tiller number, is an important selection criterion for weed competitiveness. Vigor rating is rapid, non-destructive, less labor-intensive and reliable, and therefore a promising and feasible tool for making decisions on weed competitiveness.In this study, early visual vigor varied widely among varieties, and its strong correlation with other parameters confirms its acceptability.It has been reported previously that early season vigor is directly linked with the competitive ability of the crop and later in the crop growing season, it confers competition against weeds .

The SPAD meter provides a very easy, swift and non-destructive method for estimating relative leaf chlorophyll content.Higher SPAD values indicate greener healthier plants. The results showed SPAD values varied among the varieties. SPAD values were greatly reduced by weed interference and this was reflected in yield performance. Weed interference negatively and markedly affected all yield components which cumulatively impaired grain yield. The rice varieties used in the current research showed wide diversity in relative yield loss, which ranged from 43% to 82%. Weed biomass was strongly and negatively correlated with grain yield, indicating that weed suppressive ability can be combined with yield potential. Anwar et al.and McGregor et al.also observed a similar relationship. Weed interference negatively and markedly affected all yield components which cumulatively impaired grain yield. Weed biomass was strongly and negatively correlated with grain yield,cannabis grow tray and positively correlated with relative yield loss indicating that weed suppressive ability can be combined with yield potential. Medicinal plants are considered as an important source of secondary metabolites that usually have a number of biological functions. It has been reported that medicinal plants species possess strong allelopathic potential. Many researchers around the world are now showing their keen interest on medicinal plants for searching new natural plant products,. Islam and Kato-Noguchistated two reasons for this increasing interest: 1) the easier screening process of phytotoxic plants from medicinal plants and 2) the possibility to have more bioactive compounds in medicinal plants than other plants. Fu-jii et al.carried out the first comprehensive studies of allelopathic medicinal plants.

They evaluated 387 Japanese medicinal plants and observed that a considerable number of those have growth inhibitory potential . Azizi et al. examined 56 aromatic medicinal plants of 22 families from Iran for their allelopathic potential and found 51 species inhibited the seedling growth of lettuce. Gilani et al. also evaluated 81 medicinal plant species of Pakistan and reported 78 as allelopathic potential inhibiting the root growth of lettuce. Mardani et al.recently evaluated the allelopathic potential of 83 Iranian medicinal plants and observed more than 80% root growth suppression of lettuce by Peganum harmala, Berberis vulgaris, Artemisia aucheri and Ferulago angulata. Amini et al.investigated the allelopathic potential of 68 medicinal and wild plant species belong to 19 plant families grown in Iran. Since the inception of agriculture, different types of natural plant products have been used to control pests mainly insect and disease organisms. More evidences have been found in the world literature about the use of natural product as fungicides, insecticides, and other pesticides than as herbicides . Although natural product based herbicides for weed control strategies have not yet been as successful as like other pesticides, however, there have some notable success stories . Nowadays, the use of allelopathic medicinal plants has been suggested as a viable option for alternative weed management in sustainable agriculture . Yang and Tang , described two ways of plant utilization for weed management: 1) the active compounds are isolated, identified and chemically synthesized; if possible, these compounds or their active analogs are produced by the chemical industry, 2) plant tissue or a crude product of the plant, such as aqueous or organic extract is used directly.

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Covid-19 is an infectious disease that occurs as a result of the SARS-CoV-2virus in humans

Prior to assessing anti-inflammatory properties of cannabis extract, the ability of LPS to induce secretion of key cytokine-related factors  was assessed in dermal fibroblasts. After 24 h of LPS stimulation, dermal fibroblast conditioned media contained substantially elevated levels of cytokine IL-6 and chemokine IL-8  & Figure 7). Our results show that accumulation of the indicated cytokines in conditioned media of dermal fibroblasts was significantly suppressed by cannabis extract treatment confirming potential anti-inflammatory property of the high CBD cannabis extract preparation that may be considered to target chronic inflammation in prostate cancer. Prostate cancer cells are in general highly resistant to common chemotherapeutic agents and the presence of CSCs is suggested to contribute to chemo resistance. The ability to form spheres in non-adherent, serum free conditions is a key property of stem cells.In this study, prostate cancer cell line LNCaP was able to form spheroids in non-adherent culture, suggesting the presence of cancer stem-like cells within these cell lines. Because prostaspheres are enriched with CSCs , the inhibitory effect of cannabis extract on prostasphere formation supports that high CBD and low THC cannabis extract may be a potent agent in targeting or eliminating prostate cancer stem-like cells in vitro .

Recently, cannabinoids have received considerable attention due to their diverse pharmacologic activities such as cell growth inhibition, anti-inflammatory effects, and tumor regression. Our results suggest that treatment of androgen-responsive human prostate carcinoma LNCaP cells resulted in a decrease in intracellular and secreted levels of PSA, with concomitant inhibition of androgen receptor, cell growth, and induction of apoptosis. The data also demonstrate that cannabis extract is capable of significantly suppressing the expression of specific pro-inflammatory cytokine/chemokine in human dermal fibroblast cells. The study explains usefulness of LPS-stimulated in vitro systems for the evaluation of the anti-inflammatory properties of plant extracts using this methodological approach  . To conclude, the data presented in this paper provide further support for the concept that traditional medicines, such as cannabis, can be valuable additions to the modern therapeutic armamentarium, and non-habit-forming cannabinoid agonist which lack psychotropic activity may be used for the management of prostate cancer. Some studies have reported the application of marijuana in the treatment of HIV patients to improve their food intake and promote their appetite by increasing ghrelin and leptin hormones,and decreasing peptide tyrosine hormone responsible for appetite regulation.

In addition, the application of medicinal marijuana in management of coronavirus disease 2019 has been explored by a number of scientific studies.This disease had not found any medical cure by the time this review was done. Therefore in the search for a vaccination or cure, the application of Marijuana has been explored by scientists who have given preliminary findings showing that the plant may offer resistance to SARS-CoV-2 .The principle behind this is based on the fact that medicinal cannabis has been used to treat nausea and dementia, thus offering hopes that the angiotensin converting enzyme IIreceptor needed by the corona virus found in the lung tissues, oral and nasal mucus, and gastrointestinal tracts can be modulate dusing cannabis extracts and removed from the biological system in order to inhibit vulner ability against the virus and therefore reduce its infection risks .Furthermore, terpenes from cannabis have exhibited potent characteristics as antiviral agents with the ability to minimize the severity and impact of SARS virus by suppressing the protein responsible for RNA replication and thereby blocking the virus from penetrating the cells .

For instance, it has been emphasized that marijuana extracts can reduce or regulate serine protease TMPRSS2,mainly required by the SARS-Cov-2 in order to gain entry into the human host cells. Consequently, cannabis has been reported to be effective in the prevention and treating of COVID-19 even though there are limited scientific studies that have been performed to support or refute these assertions, especially the role played by cannabinoids towards viral therapy. Cannabis just like any other drug substance once taken into the body system it describes a systematic pathway from the time it gains entry into the body system up to the time it is excreted through series of biological activities that involve absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion, all which are dependent on the drug bioavailability that determines the onset, duration and the intensity of effects manifested by the drug .

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Chromolaena odorata and Tetradenia riparia showed a marked effect on Escherichia coli

Radical-scavenging activities vary significantly in each type of test. The IC50 values of ABTS assay were weak than those of DPPH assay. This difference is attributed to the reaction mechanisms. Indeed, ABTS reacts simultaneously with hydrophilic and lipophilic compounds while DPPH reacts only with hydrophilic compounds of the analysed matrice. Extracts of Cannabis sativa and Pterocarpus soyauxii showed very low values, which testify to their more powerful scavenging radical effect. The flowering tops of Cannabis sativa were therefore shown to be more active, followed by the red wood of Pterocarpus soyauxii then the leaves of Chromolaena odorata, Senna alata, Mitracarpus villosus and Tetradenia riparia. This difference in activity can be explained by the qualitative and quantitative composition in phytochemicals of each extract. Previous studies reported the antioxidant capacities of some of studies plants. Chromolaena odorata was described to be a species with antioxidant capacities related to its flavanone compounds . Phenolic compounds such as astragalin, luteolin and diterpenoids compounds were identified to be responsible of antioxidant activity of Tetradenia riparia .

Certain constituents of Cannabis sativa, in particular cannabinoids are also responsible for this said activity. Cannabidiol is a major non-psychotropic phytocannabinoid that attracted a great attention for its therapeutic potential against different pathologies including skin disease by its many beneficial pharmacological effects, including anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.The extract from the trunk of Pterocarpus soyauxii which proved to be very active after Cannabis sativa had an abundance of phenolic acids far superior to those of the others. Saha et al.  reported the antioxidant capacities of different fraction from the trunk  of Pterocarpus soyauxii which showed the best radical-scavenging activities.The antioxidant activities of these different parts of the species studied could correlate with their chemical composition. The antioxidant activity could be attributed to polyphenols. Polyphenols represent the most widespread secondary metabolites in the plant kingdom. They have several biological properties including the antioxidant capacities for which they are indicated in the management of various pathologies including skin infectious diseases .

The antioxidant potency is one of the most important properties of plant extracts. Since our body may not be producing enough antioxidants, it is necessary to use these antioxidant-rich ones every day to get rid of reactive species and therefore, cannabis grow equipment oxidative stress. Reactive Oxygen Species  induced by oxidative stress can ultimately lead to apoptotic or necrotic cell death, once accumulated they play a critical role in intrinsic aging and photoaging of human skin in vivo, thus suggested to be responsible for various cancers of the skin and other inflammatory skin disorders . Nowadays, the properties of polyphenols are widely studied in the field of cosmeceuticals where they are recognized as having antibacterial activities, the protective effects on skin aging.As antioxidants, polyphenols act by various mechanisms which are: the direct trapping of reactives oxygen species , the inhibition of the enzymes involved in oxidative stress and the chelation of the metallic traces responsible for the production of ROS as well as the protection of systems antioxidant defense . At present, UV irradiation is considered as one of the major threats to the biological populations worldwide. Indeed, it has been identified, that a long-term exposure to the UV radiation can cause pathogenesis of severe conditions on the skin, including photoaging, immunosuppression and skin cancers.

Therefore, phenolic compounds from marine and terrestre plants with specially UV inhibition properties and antioxidant properties may have a greater potential to incorporate as an ingredient in cos meceutical products  . Radical-scavenging activity is an indicator of the antioxidant activity of the different forms of use in traditional cosmetopoeia of these plant species. To the best of our knowledge, few reports exist on the antioxidant capacities of the red wood of Pterocarpus soyauxii known in DR Congo under the vernacular name of Ngola, whose wood is largely used for skin care , to heal, to color the skin and hair . Given the extent of its wide use in the manufacture of skin care products, further studies are needed, especially on cell models and in vivo to demonstrate its benefit of antioxidant effects on skin pathologies and to enhance its value. The antibacterial activity although null for all plant extracts on Pseudomonas aeruginosa is nevertheless stronger for the extracts of Cannabis sativa on Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli, which correlates with the results obtained by Ali et al..

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The mechanism of action of haloperidol’s antiemetic effects in CHS is unknown

Supportive therapy serves as the mainstay of treatment during this phase . There is limited literature available on haloperidol as the standard of care in CHS. However, haloperidol has been widely used as an antiemetic for many years and has been described to provide symptom relief in some patients with CHS . This article presents the findings from a literature review on CHS. It discusses a female patient who was successfully treated for CHS with haloperidol given by mouth. A 34-year-old African American female presented to the emergency department with complaints of recurrent nausea and vomiting. Three days before admission, the patient reported having nausea and vomiting after smoking marijuana and was unable to keep any food down. The patient has had two previous admissions for the same symptoms. During those admissions, the patient was given on dansetron, metoclopramide, erythromycin, and promethazine with no relief of symptoms. The patient’s past medical history included Type 1 diabetes mellitus, gastroparesis, and hypertension. Her social history was significant for daily marijuana use, but she denied alcohol and tobacco.

The patient left the hospital against medical advice and was discharged on haloperidol 5 mg by mouth every 8 hours. The patient was given instructions regarding the diagnosis, expectations, follow-up, and return precautions. Unfortunately, despite counseling, the patient was not amenable to cannabis cessation at that time. She was also counseled on the importance of therapy adherence and following up with her primary care physician. Reports of CHS in patients have increased over the years,vertical grow rack despite the syndrome’s increasing prevalence, many physicians are unfamiliar with its diagnosis and treatment . This under-recognition may be due to the paradoxical use for the treatment of nausea and vomiting, the stigma associated with cannabis use, and the illegal status of cannabis in some areas leading to under-reporting of use. The frequency of emergency department visits and high hospital admission rates for CHS exemplify the difficulty in symptom management . The lack of knowledge and treatment recommendations regarding CHS compounds this issue. We report the first case of recurrent acute cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome sucessfully treated with haloperidol given both intramuscularly and orally. The Naranjo adverse drug reaction probability scale was utilized to assess the probability that the hyperemesis was related to cannabinoid use, and a total score of 6 was obtained. Diagnosis is determined through receiving a detailed medication history and a comprehensive physical examination.

In a recent systematic review conducted by Sorensen and colleagues, the following diagnostic characteristics and frequency of each were found: history of regular cannabis use for over one year , severe nausea and vomiting , vomiting that recurs in a cyclic pattern over months , resolution of symptoms after stopping cannabis , compulsive hot baths/showers with symptom relief , male predominance , abdominal pain , at least weekly cannabis use , history of daily cannabis use , and age less than 50 at time of evaluation  .

With >10 years of self-reported cannabis use, our patient experienced the following symptoms: severe nausea and vomiting that has recurred over many months in a cyclic pattern. Haloperidol is a drug primarily used for sedation, behavioral agitation, and as an antipsychotic. However, haloperidol has been used as an antiemetic for years, particularly in the anesthesia, general surgery, and oncology literature . Haloperidol is a butyrophenone antipsychotic that non-selectively blocks postsynaptic dopaminergic D2 receptors in the chemoreceptor trigger zone. The CTZ is located in the medulla oblongata and is exposed to toxins in the bloodstream, which triggers vomiting.The medication may decrease nausea and vomiting by blocking the dopamine receptors in the CTZ, thus reducing input to the medullary vomiting center. Early administration of haloperidol in acute episodes of CHS may reduce symptoms, minimize the time in the emergency room, and reduce the rate of hospital admissions . In 5 out of the 6 reported cases,haloperidol was given intramuscularly only  , and in one case, the route of administration was not provided . Also, interestingly only one of the cases was a woman  and our case makes two. In a recent analysis synthesizing findings from case reports found that men were overwhelmingly more likely to be diagnosed with CHS relative to women  .

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Weed interference can reduce soybean yield by as much as 80%

Dominantly Cyperus esculentus ,Cyperus iria and Echinochloa crusgalli germinated together with rice seedling.These weeds have rapid growth, and they are highly competitive and adapted to aquatic condition . Particularly weeds adapted to aquatic condition become more difficult to control by continuous flooding when they are established. However, Moody et al .reported that weed population density and total dry weight per unit area decrease as water depth increases. On the other hand, Sahidand Hossain reported that emergence and survival of some weeds remain unaffected by a flooding depth of 15 cm. Water management is crucial in successful weed control in water seeded rice because flood water affects the density,vigor, and uniformity of rice stands,and severity of weed competition . This research in following years will be focused on other alternative methods such as use of plastic mulch covering for weed management in organic rice production.The higher weed suppression potential of Jasmine 85 and Rondo observed in the experiment is largely due to higher plant stand and better seedling establishment than other rice varieties.

Main characteristics imparting weed competitiveness to rice include selection of cultivars, seeding vigor, early and faster seedling establishment, shoot-root characteristics and self-supportive allelopathy. Oluyemi, A.T.reported that Jasmine 85 grows rapidly, gives high yield,cannabis grow equipment carries good resistance to pests in Southern United States and also suppresses the growth of weeds in surrounding area. Likewise, Gealy and Yan reported that Rondo has high yield potential and ability to suppress or tolerate rice pests,including weeds. Soybean has been grown in Ontario, Canada since 1881and it is currently the largest and most valuable cash crop in the province. In 2015, soybean was seeded on 1.2 million hectares, and produced over 3.6 million tonnes, which was worth close to $1.6 billion . Weed control is an important component of soybean production, especially early in the growing season.Soybean is most susceptible to yield loss during the critical weed-free period that begins at V1 and ends at V4 , which is the reason why herbicide applications are typically made prior to soybean emergence and soybeans are maintained weed-free through the end of the vegetative growth period prior to flowering.Weed control was greatly simplified when glyphosate-resistant soybean was commercialized in Ontario in 1997.

Glyphosate is a Group 9, non-selective herbicide that controls over 300 weed species . It has a wide margin of crop safety, low toxicity, and a flexible application window ; these factors contributed to the high adoption rate of GR soybean. In 2015, 70% of Ontario soybean was produced from GR cultivars. While glyphosate applied alone maybe a simple and effective weed management strategy, its lack of residual control often requires glyphosate to be applied multiple times in a growing season to obtain full-season weed control. Furthermore, the sequential application of a single herbicide with one mode-of-action may select for herbicide-resistant weed biotypes; for this reason, the repeated use of a single mode-of-action is strongly discouraged . The growing concern of selecting HR weed biotypes has prompted research for weed management solutions that can fill the agronomic gaps left by using only glyphosate.Two-pass weed management strategies including a preplant or preemergence residual herbicide followed by a post emergence herbicide often result in full-season weed control using multiple modes-of-action. The addition of multiple modes-of-action and including multiple application timings can improve weed control, minimize soybean yield loss caused by weed interference, and reduce selection pressure for HR weed biotypes .Soybean resistant to both dicamba and glyphosate will be commercially available for the 2017 growing season. Dicamba is a Group 4, system icbroad leaf herbicide that controls over 40 broadleaf weed species and provides short-term residual weed control . Dicamba provides excellent control of many troublesome weeds such as common and giant ragweed , common lambs quarters , and redroot pigweed. In addition,dicamba controls several GR broadleaf weed species found in Canada and the United States.

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Development of a sound vegetation management strategy requires a definite and sequential plan of action

Herbicides are widely used to manage weeds in dry seeded rice systems; however, herbicides alone cannot provide effective and season-long weed control. Therefore, there is a need to integrate herbicide use with other weed management strategies . The use of residue as mulch can sup- press weed growth to some extent in seeded rice, but the combined use of herbicide and mulch may suppress weeds more effectively. Therefore, a field study was conducted to evaluate the combined effects of herbicide and mulch on weed growth and rice yield in a dry-seeded system. Brazil is not self-sufficient in rubber production so that any factor affecting latex extraction can be very deleterious to rubber production. Latex production by rubber trees can be affected by biotic factors such as microorganisms causing plant diseases and other factors increasing the timing to plants reach the maturity for latex extraction . In this way, weed interference is an important issue reducing plant growth and, in consequence, increasing the timing for plant maturity. Weed management during the establishment of commercial tree plantations is a major factor that contributes to improvement of the final yield. Development of a sound vegetation management strategy requires a definite and sequential plan of action .

A good understanding of the basic criteria involved in weed-tree interactions,growth-limiting factors, the minimum tolerable weed thresholds and an understanding of the best parameters of measurement are needed to delineate an appropriate management approach . Researchers have demonstrated that the width of weed control strips reflected in the growth of some trees, such as Coffea arabica and Eucaliptus spp. , but the effect depends on several factors, including weed composition, crop species,and the availability of environmental resources. In function of the importance and the lack of information on weed interference in rubber tree plantation, cannabis drying racks we performed this research aiming 1) to evaluate the growth of rubber tree plants submitted to different weed control strips and 2) to determine the critical width of weed control strip during the establishment of rubber tree plantation. Analyzing the rubber tree growth within each weed control strip during 720 DAP, the best adjusted equation was a logistic model, showing a high significance, normal distribution of residuals, and constant variance of residuals, being well-appropriated to describe the plant behavior and satisfying statistical conditions.This analysis shows the accumulated plant growth within each weed control strip during the whole experimental period. For both plant height and stem diameter, the interval of confidence of the equation parameters b,x0, and y0 was correspondent to all weed control strips, indicating no significant difference. However, the interval of confidence of the equation parameter a was not correspondent to all weed control strips, being also distinct for plant height and stem diameter.For plant height, the interval of confidence of the parameter a in the weedy condition was not correspondent to any weed control strip.

For stem diameter, the interval of confidence of the parameter a in the weedy situation and weed control strips of 50 cm and 100 cm was correspondent, but differing of weed control strips of 150, 200,250, 300, 350, and 400 cm. The parameter a indicates the difference between minimum and maximum values of the growth characteristics, so that higher a values shows a better or a greater plant growth of the rubber trees, as observed when weeds were controlled in larger widths. In this sense, analyzing the plant growth within each weed control strip, the weed control should be performed within strips of 50 cm and 150 cm for plant height and stem diameter, respectively.Analyzing the RGR during 720 DAP, in function of crescent weed control strips, the best adjusted equation was an exponential rising to maximum model, showing a high significance, normal distribution of residuals, and constant variance of residuals , being well-appropriated to describe the plant behavior and satisfying statistical conditions. So, we observed that RGR increased when weed control strips was extended,reaching a maximum value and then keeping constant.

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The effects induced on users by cannabis once consumed are largely dependent on the method of delivery

The complexity of Cannabis sativa plant is defined by the presence of various compounds that induce psychoactive action on individuals who consume it.Currently, over 500 chemical compounds have been identified in marijuana with over 60 cannabinoids which generate more than 2000 compounds in marijuana smoke through a series of pyrolysis reactions. With an exception of the main psychoactive alkaloid in cannabis,other cannabinoids such as cannabidiol, delta-8-tetra hydrocannabinol and cannabinol, designated as 2, 3 and 4 in Figure 1, contribute to its pharmacological effects . The introduction of tetra hydrocannabinol into the biological system induces a number of effects characterized by alterations in memory, movement, mood,perception and cognition and in some cases increased dopamine release that ultimately produces euphoric sensations and anxiolytic effects . Cannabidiol forms almost 40% of the cannabis extracts from the Cannabis sativa plant and is mainly found in seeds, stalks and flowers of marijuana plant and offers antipsychotic and alerting properties when consumed and this forms the basis for its pharmaco-therapeutic effects .

When marijuana is smoked, these compounds find their way into the smokers’body system where they cause a series of disruptive effects among various organs including the pulmonary, respiratory and the central nervous systems .Even though there are minimal reported mortality cases arising from marijuana use among consumers, its increased illegal trading in black markets and consumption patterns precipitates concerns on its potential hazardous effects on human health especially its role as a precursor to cancer development not with standing that efforts made towards its cessation have been met by a push to legalize its use basically for medicinal concerns. Nevertheless, marijuana smoking has been recognized as a risk factor for a pulmonary function and respiratory complications by a number of systematic and epidemiological studies.The motivation behind this review is to examine the apparent harm and psychotic impacts arising from repeated use of this psychoactive drug substance and the scientific efforts advanced towards its cessation by reviewing selected published articles in different journals and databases. In addition, scientific efforts taken in order to reduce marijuana toxicity have also been evaluated in this survey. Moreover, marijuana legalization for medicinal purposes as anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, neuro protective and anticonvulsant characteristics has grown in a number of states and nations in the world upon the assumption that it contains chemical compounds that have potency toward treating a number of illness and symptoms regardless of associated risks .

Therefore, the application of marijuana as a pharmaceutical drug has also been reviewed in this study especially its use in the management of the severe acute respiratory syndrome corona virus-2. These research findings may direct further research in promoting methods that can enhance cessation and control marijuana use and thereby promoting a healthy livelihood of the human race. The literature considered for this study is published in English language. After the search on the multidisciplinary databases and google scholar, a number of published reports on the subjects of interest especially on marijuana smoking, toxicity and carcinogenicity were the main search terms.From the surveyed literature, it can be predicted that in the pharmaceutical industry, cannabis is a potential opioid drug used for relieving pain among cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy, neurological issues and even HIV and AIDS patients who use it to aid in appetite restoration. In line with these characteristics,cannabis is likely to offer more benefits in the medical field if clear handling rules and control measures are ratified by more countries across the world. This will provide room for extensive scientific research on the medical benefits of Cannabis sativa. Figure 2 presents Marijuana leaves, whereas Figure 2 presents the plant Marijuana, respectively. Literature search was comprehensively conducted in search engines such as PubMed, Google scholar and online scientific electronic library from March 2020 to May 2020 in accordance with procedures formerly described by .The search was independent and solely done by selecting databases that included original articles published in peer-reviewed journals, books, thesis, dissertations,patents and other reports that covered Cannabis sativa dated until October 2020.

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A characteristic feature of these learning curves is the large scatter of the trial values around the curve

There are at least two possible sources of such variability.First, as with most cognitive tests, the participant is apt to develop test-taking strategies with repeated exposures to the same procedure. Benedict & Zgaljardicrefer to this as “test-specific” practice. Second,the participant’s state of health might be changed due to any external or internal factors acting before or during test performance, such as exposure to marijuana. Thus, it is advisable to conduct several repeated tests for each participant. We advocate repeating the test three times. Mathematical modeling of the learning curve offers a quantitative description of learning and memory abilities when a participant is exposed to marijuana or consumes a plant based product purported to improve learning and memory. Moreover, values of the model’s coefficients B3 and B4 give the opportunity to characterize short- and long-term memory status quantitatively. For this purpose, it is necessary to separate the initial set of B3 and B4 values into disjointed subsets.

When the model was applied to patients with multiple sclerosis, about half of the patients were shown to exhibit cognitive impairment . Thus, when working with patients suffering from multiple sclerosis,it is possible to obtain a spectrum from “normal memory status” to “severely impaired”. The multiples clerosis group included 365 patients with clinically defined multiple sclerosis and was tested with the CVLT-II . The raw learning data were modeled and the sets of B3 and B4 values were used for further analysis . Female and male sets of B3 values, as well as B4 values, were analyzed separately because it was shown that females scored significantly higher than males on the CVLT .SPSS 17 was used for cluster and discriminant analysis. Initial values of B3 or B4 were classified based on hierarchical cluster analysis. This procedure identifies relatively homogeneous groups of B3 or B4values, using an algorithm that starts with each value in a separate cluster, and combines clusters until only one is left. At each step, the two clusters separated by the shortest distance are combined. After separating raw coefficient values into six clusters of B3 values or six clusters of B4 values, discriminant analysis is applied to the clusters.

Discriminant analysis creates a linear function of B3 or B4 that provides the best discrimination between two samples, in particular, between neighboring clusters. With discriminant analysis, it is possible to calculate cut-off values B3 and B4 for assigning the obtained B3 or B4 value to one or another memory state level. In other words, the cut-off values allow the determination of to what extent the short- and long-term memory is impaired. The data were gathered at the Institute for Experimental Medicine, St. Petersburg Russia between January and April, 2013. The research was conducted in accordance with the National Standard of the Russian Federation “Good Clinical Practice” with the permission of the Institutional Board on Biomedical Ethics of the Institute for Experimental Medicine. Participants were recruited from the Institute’s clinic who were undergoing drug rehabilitation and wanted to continue their treatment. Healthy volunteers were recruited from the surrounding area. Two groups were used. The first group was 15 healthy volunteers and was comprised of seven females within the age range of 22 – 27 years old and eight males within the age range of 23 – 31 years old. The second group was 15 drug addicts and was comprised of four females within the age range of 23 – 31 years old and 11 males within the age range of 22 – 44 years old who all under wentrehabilitation courses. The drug addicts used Amphetamine-like psychostimulant drugs.Each participant was examined three times with an inter test interval of one to two days. Three different lists of words were used.

The senior authors are grateful to Professor Sergey Tsikunov, Pavlov’s Department of Physiology, Institute for Experimental Medicine, St. Petersburg, Russia who conducted clinical examinations of the subjects. Based on this assessment, participants were assigned either to the healthy volunteer group or the drug addicted group. Here we see that in each drug addicted male the learning curves differ from each other much more than those of the healthy male participants.Instead of a monotonous increase in trial values as the test continues,often these values decrease in the middle of the test—a concave curve or a convexity in the middle of the test, a convex curve, or even an S-shaped curve. Such a deviation in the location of points is a consequence of memory impairment under the influence of drug abuse. Thus, averaging over three tests is even more necessary in drug addicts than in healthy participants. The results presented here show how the model can be used to characterize the effect of marijuana on learning and memory.

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Tactile comfort majorly depends upon the interaction between the fabric and skin during wear

This trend results in an encouragement to use and develop fibers that can be obtained or manufactured from renewable sources like natural fibers as a substitute for conventional synthetic fibers that are based on petroleum. Even cotton fiber is now considered as non eco-friendly fiber as it requires large quantity of chemicals, pesticides along with water. Unconventional natural fibers such as hemp, ramie, flax, sisal, kenaf, etc.can be used as an alternate to cotton and other synthetic fibers. These alternative fibers include banana fiber obtained from pseudo-stem of banana plant, pine apple fibers obtained from leaves, sugarcane fibers obtained from the sugarcane stalks, etc. and some other bast fibers obtained with almost no use of pesticides and chemicals include hemp, ramie, flax, sisal, kenaf, etc. . These fibers are present in abundance all over India but still neglected everywhere. These fibers have potential to become useful textile fibers. Along with abundant availability,these fibers possess characteristics like elegance in aesthetic appeal, comfort in wear and many other utility performances as peruse in different applications including clothing.Woven designed fabrics with eco-friendly fiber are more in demand.

Nowadays consumers are fashion and health-conscious so that they switch towards the eco-friendly fabrics. One of the most important aspects of clothing and apparels is comfort. Clothing comfort is mainly associated with three common aspects such as psychological, tactile and thermal. Psychological comfort is mainly related to the aesthetics of the clothing and fashion trends prevailing in a particular society and has no dependence on fabric’s properties quantitatively.It deals with the mechanical properties and surface characteristics of fabric. However, thermal comfort is a measure of fabric’s ability to maintain wearer’s skin temperature and deals with fabric’s transmission behaviors,namely thermal insulation or conductivity, water vapor or liquid water transmission and air permeability.In this research, efforts are being made to explore the possibilities of producing high-quality apparel fabric from unconventional natural fibers under industrial production environment. A comparative study was made on the low-stress mechanical properties, fabric hand and thermal comfort of banana, hemp, linen and ramie fabrics and their respective union fabrics with cotton. Union fabrics are the fabrics where the fiber content is different in the warp and weft direction. For this research, the four unconventional fibers namely banana, hemp, linen and ramie are used.

Cotton is used as reference fiber for comparison of respective fabric properties. Yarn samples of 30 Ne were developed from the above mentioned five fibers under industrial production conditions and accordingly used for fabric development. The moisture vapor diffusion rate through the fabric is determined using LABTHINKMVTR tester that works according to the simple dish method, similar to ASTM E96-80. The test sample is placed over a water dish having 33 cm2 area and 7.5 cm diameter. The test conditions were maintained at 80% humidity and38˚C temp inside the instrument. Dry air is circulated at an interval of 10 min. Avibration-free turntable platform that can accommodate eight dishes rotates atuniform speed. All dishes are exposed to the same average ambient condition during the test. The rate of moisture vapor loss is calculated in units’g/m2/24 hr. A higher MVTR value advocates a greater passage of moisture vapor through the material. The Kawabata Evaluation System was used to measure fabric low stress mechanical properties at standard conditions prescribed for apparel fabric.

KES system consists of four different modules for different testing e.g. KES-FB1 for tensile and shear tests, KES-FB2 for bending tests, KES-FB3 for compression properties testing and KES-FB4 for testing surface properties. Total 16 parameters describing fabric mechanical properties were evaluated from the instrumental outputs.The “primary hand values” contributing to specific comfort aspects of the fabric and then “total hand value” were calculated by the software using Kawabata equation. The air permeability of different unconventional fiber fabrics and their respective union fabrics with cotton were studied to ascertain their physiological comfort.The outcomes of the test are listed in Table 3. The results show that pure linen fabrics permit more air to pass through them, compared with pure cotton and all union fabrics. The trend is followed by hemp, ramie and then banana.The reason for higher permeability in case of pure fabrics of unconventional natural fiber fabrics can be attributed to less hairiness in these yarns due to longer fiber length than cotton. These fibers are smoother, circular and coarser than cotton fibers also favor an easy passage to air through the yarn. Also the larger diameter of banana yarn gives high cover of the fabric which prevents transmission of air through the banana fabric.

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