Behavioral beliefs were further defined as either contributing to a positive or negative attitude

As innovation in food production increases to meet the demands of sustainability and increasing populations, early evaluation of potential novel foods is essential.The theory of planned behavior posits that intention to perform a behavior is correlated to actual behavior in an extension to the theory of reasoned action where behavioral and normative beliefs are reported to contribute to attitudes toward a behavior, and subjective beliefs form through perceptions of societal norms regarding that behavior Cognitive evaluations of these attitudes and beliefs contribute to consumers’ intention to perform the behavior themselves. Expanding on this, TPB includes volitional control as an additional consideration, reporting that people must have a perception of control over the behavior if the intention is to be realized as actual behavior . Several hundred studies have applied TPB within a variety of disciplines with accuracy and the utility of the theory in the evaluation of novel food acceptance has been supported by experimental validation of the intention–behavior relationship . A review of 42 studies employing TPB as a measure of intent to consume a discrete food while evaluating the intention–behavior relationship reported a strong association overall between intention to consume and actual consumer behavior.

There is currently no standardized psychometric instrument available that is appropriate for capturing the unique associations attributed to a discrete novel food within a TPB framework. Consistent with previous novel food research this study has developed a fit-for-purpose scale for use in the study. Examination of currently available literature did not discover adequate research on consumer perceptions and attitudes toward hemp food to enable the development of the TPB items without consumer consultation. As a result, a mixed-method approach as described by Teddlie and Tashakkori was adopted for the project which was conducted under a pragmatic framework. While pragmatism is more of a philosophical framework than a methodology, it allows for the methodology appropriate to each phase to be applied and a re-evaluation of the findings from each to form meta-inferences beyond those yielded from the findings within each phase. The first phase consisted of semi-structured interviews which informed the development of TPB items, and the second phase employed the TPB items in a questionnaire that was disseminated online nationally to evaluate consumer acceptance of hemp food in the Australian market. However, it was difficult to discern how much of this belief was the result of internet browsing by the participant before the interview. None of the participants reported knowing that hemp food had been legalized in Australia prior to the hearing of our study and was not able to specify particular health benefits.

Where participants confessed to having only read of the health benefits on the internet prior to the interview their response was recorded as knowledge rather than subjective belief. Some participants, however, associated hemp food with medicinal cannabis, also known as cannabidiol oil, and made the association of health benefifits based on that. Four items were developed relating to this theme which reflected the positively perceived attributes of hemp food. “Eating hemp food is healthy; Eating hemp food would make a person feel more relaxed; Eating hemp food would likely reduce anxiety; There are many benefits to eating hemp food” Participants rated each statement on how much they agreed with them. Response items were developed as a collaborative exercise between researchers to reflect the TPB constructs of behavioral and normative beliefs and perceived control as described in .Previous studies using TPB have found positive and negative attitudes toward novel food to have differential influence on their acceptance, leading to occasion for evaluation of the oppositely polarized viewpoints as a discrete entity.

For example, found negative attitudes toward insect-eating behavior to be a significant barrier to insect consumption after perceived control and food neophobia. Measuring disgust as it applies specifically toward insect-eating behavior and evaluating this construct within a negative behavioral belief paradigm might have provided clearer insight into attitudes toward eating insects. While not using TPB as the theoretical framework per se, reported that negative perception of factors related to genetically modified foods were critical to acceptance. It has previously been suggested that highly salient negative factors relating to hemp food’s association with alternate uses for cannabis have a greater influence on early acceptance and uptake of the novel food than positive health benefits .

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Previous studies warn that cannabis consumption has been associated with the appearance of mental disorders among adolescents

Individuals residing in urban areas are more likely to be employed and have better access to alcohol and psychoactive drug use. In contrast to this, studies done in first-world countries like Germany and Canada found that the use of alcohol and psychoactive substances was more prevalent in rural rather than urban areas . The reason for the increased prevalence of risky alcohol and psychoactive substance use in the rural populations in Germany and Canada has been speculated to be due to limited access to drug education, treatment services, employment opportunities, and extra-curricular activities. These amenities are not available in rural areas .Cannabis use in the adolescent population is currently a serious public health concern . In the latest report from the European Monitoring Center for Drugs and Addiction , it is estimated that 17.5 million young Europeans aged between 15 and 34 used cannabis in the last year. Regarding the situation in Spain, cannabis is the most-used illegal psychoactive substance among students aged 14 to 18: 33% of Spanish adolescents are reported to have consumed this substance at some point in their lives; 27% consumed it during the last year; 15.4% reported problematic cannabis use which is related to the excessive amount of consumption, consumption at the offer of friends, etc. .

The latest Spanish Survey on Drug use in Secondary School Students  shows that the average age at which cannabis use starts is around 14–15 years. The frequency and quantity of cannabis consumption increases with age and its use is more common among men than women. Various studies have highlighted that peer group cannabis consumption is one of the main causes of the use of this substance among adolescents . Likewise, adolescents who begin cannabis consumption at an early age are more susceptible to consuming other illegal substances and developing a pattern of risky alcohol consumption . The use of this substance has also been associated with increased incidence of academic problems, conflicts or physical aggression at school , behaviors related to gambling and problematic internet use , sexual abuse , episodes of anxiety and depression, acts of suicide , and greater probability of dependencyin adult life . The seriousness of these consequences highlights the need to reinforce preventive strategies from an early age . From the Positive Youth Development model a perspective focused on personal protective factors for healthy development is adopted, which includes the necessary skills to face diverse risks such as the use of addictive substances . In this sense, coping styles deserve particular attention , as well as assertive behavior, which is considered a fundamental element of the socialization process.

To these factors a new beneficial construct for healthy development called Emotional Intelligence is added, whose promotion at an early age could represent a novel preventive approach . Given that cannabis use begins at an increasingly young age , this research aims to study the inflfluence of these personal factors on the use of this substance in adolescence. Coping styles play an important mediating role between stressful situations, adolescents’ resources to deal with them, and the resulting consequences for their physical and mental health . This moderating function is especially relevant in this complex period of life in which important changes are experienced . Following Ebata and Moos , it is possible to distinguish between an active coping style that facilitates the adolescent’s adjustment, and a dysfunctional or avoidant coping style that increases the probability of psychosocial problems. Some studies with adolescents have found that less use of active coping has been related to an increase in the probability of ever consuming cannabis, as well as to doing so more frequently and in greater quantities . Other studies suggest that the use of a dysfunctional coping style has been related to greater risk of consuming cannabis due to peer pressure.

The literature has confirmed a link between coping styles and drug use behaviors . Despite this, the access to substances such as cannabis could be more complicated for adolescents as they are not financially independent, consequently, many of the studies have been carried out with adult samples and would be relevant to analyse what happens in the adolescent stage. In turn, one of the personal variables that is most related to the use of drugs in adolescents is assertive behavior.Assertiveness implies acting in defense of one’s own interests, defending oneself without unjustifified anxiety, sincerely and kindly expressing one’s feelings, and putting one’s personal rights into practice while respecting those of others . Focusing on cannabis consumption, the effort dedicated to prevention is generally justified on the assumption that peer group influence is relevant in the initiation and maintenance of this habit . Various studies have claimed that a deficit in assertive skills is associated with an increased risk in adolescents’ use of cannabis , as well as a lower capacity to oppose peer pressure when consuming it.

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Cannabis policy is a topic of constant discussion and changes worldwide

The phytochemical study of C. dactylon revealed details of its constituents like flavonoids, glycosides, alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids etc. are responsible for its dermatological action . Similarly, the anti-diabetic activities of A. parviflflora have been confirmed by various researchers . Several studies have revealed that today’s youth are uninterested in the traditional medical system . They have little or no knowledge of plants, not even about the species of plants found in their surroundings. Only a few old people are left to pass on their knowledge to the next generation, but it has not been very effective . The knowledge of medicinal plants of the Himalayan region has been reduced due to the absence of proper documentation and knowledge in the present-day generation . Therefore, it is important to preserve ethnomedicinal knowledge by documenting literature and by proper interaction with the younger generation. This is because, notwithstanding the coordinated efforts to disrupt cannabis market, both supply and consumption indicators have constantly increased over the past decades . It is estimated that in Europe around 15% of young adults used cannabis in 2019, and the prevalence reaches 19% when only 15- to 24-year-olds are considered .

Since 2013, Uruguay, 10 jurisdictions in the United States and Canada have passed laws that license the production and retail sale of cannabis to adults for non-medical purposes, often referred to as recreational use. In parallel, a renewed debate about reforms to the national cannabis policies has developed in Europe . In fact, although there is some European Union regulation concerning cannabis trafficking offences, legislative responses to unauthorised cannabis use and minor possession are still primarily responsibility of individual member states and therefore little harmonised . As an example, cannabis policies range from the more liberal example of the Netherlands, with a system of limited distribution, to countries like Hungary, where personal possession of cannabis is punishable with imprisonment. Furthermore, some countries legally treat cannabis like other drugs, whilst in others penalties for cannabis are lower, typically because the level of harm that the use of the drug may cause is taken into consideration . As an outcome, over the past years several European countries have implemented policy reforms modifying thesize of the penalties for cannabis possession for personal use: despite a general trend to reduce punishments, few countries moved in the opposite direction.

Some countries have reduced penalties for low-level offences, have removed criminal sanctions for possession or use, or have introduced formal or informal procedures that decrease the likelihood of sanctions being applied . Others have increased penalties for personal possession, either treating them as criminal or administrative offences . This results in a variety of policy approaches running in parallel in Europe, which range from administrative to criminal offences for personal cannabis possession , with the notable exception of the Dutch system. The potential effect of policy reforms to the treatment of cannabis possession for recreational use on rates of cannabis use is a topic of considerable debate . However, empirical research on the effects of the different types of control policies is still limited . Gathering scientific evidence firstly on whether and which type of cannabis policy reforms are able to affect the availability of the substance and the prevalence of use, and secondly by which type of users and by how much seems crucial in order to understand their public health impacts.

In particular, while cannabis policy changes are currently limited to adults, increasing attention is being devoted to the effects that these might have on adolescents . This is because cannabis is by far the most popular illicit substance among youth, particularly in Europe, where adolescents report high rates of easy access to the substance and show higher prevalence of cannabis use compared to the adult population . Furthermore, research shows that initiation into cannabis use typically occurs during the mid to late teens and that there is a strong positive relationship between early first use and the length and intensity of cannabis consumption during adulthood , with a range of possible associated poorer outcomes later in life.In general, policies ruling cannabisrelated offences are primarily targeted at adults and some authors suggest that they do not affect adolescent consumption . Despite this, several authors suggest that policy changes might indirectly affect adolescents by modifying their access to cannabis and by contributing to shape the social norms of a society . Most of the existing studies on cannabis use associated with cannabis control policy reforms has been conducted in the United States, Australia and Canada, and mainly focused on the adult population.

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Tetraploid foxtail millet cultivars displayed a two-fold reduction in fertility as compared to their diploid counterparts

Nonetheless, it can be speculated that infertility might improve cannabinoid yield by the following two different mechanisms: by avoiding the termination of inflorescence development and/or by avoiding reductions in cannabinoid accumulation. Similarly to Arabidopsis, C. sativa has an indeterminate inflorescence architecture, which means the inflorescences keep growing and developing additional flowers until a specific event sends a signal to halt the flowering process . In the Arabidopsis model, successful pollination can induce AGAMOUS expression , which will trigger downstream signals to end flowering and begin flower senescence . The triploid plants in our research showed no response to pollination, which could be a sign that the terminal flowering signals might not initiate in the triploid plants following a pollen challenge. On the other hand, seed development after pollination may alter carbon resource allocation, which might reduce the development of inflorescences and secondary metabolism synthesis.

Our research showed that triploid plants rarely produced seeds following pollination, and could therefore suggest that plants will not allocate carbon resources from flower development or cannabinoid synthesis to seed development. It is also possible that neither of these physiological processes are impacted, but rather the reduction in cannabinoid content in pollinated flowers is merely due to a dilution effect of the presence of seeds, which do not contain the cannabinoid-producing trichomes. More research on the effect of infertility on cannabinoid development is warranted to further confifirm the value of commercial triploid cultivars. Although plants containing even numbers of chromosomes are generally considered fertile, reduced fertility or even infertility have been reported in other species containing even ploidies. For example, the allotetraploid, or natural tetraploid, Hibiscus acetosella ‘Panama Red’ has been reported as producing no viable seeds.Reporting the reduced fertility of tetraploid C. sativa has important implications for the hemp breeding and hemp seed industries. Our results indicate that the investment of producing triploid seeds may be higher than producing diploid seeds, due to the lower seed numbers produced in the tetraploid × diploid crosses studiedin this research.

To compensate for the reduced seed number, more intense pollination or extending the pollination period may be recommended. Furthermore, the asymmetric nature of the crosses involving the tetraploid, at least as observed in the genotypes tested in the current study, indicate that the selection and breeding of the pollen recipient as the tetraploid parent has important ramifications for the success in breeding triploid C. sativa. The unidirectional compatibility or asymmetric interploidy crossing compatibility of hemp might be caused by an asymmetric triploid block. A triploid block is a phenomenon in which seed development fails due to an imbalance in genome size and gene expression between the parents of different ploidies; in many cases, triploid block leads to abnormal development or underdevelopment of the endosperm and embryo . Studies in Brassica oleracea showed the same asymmetrical interploidy compatibility pattern as we observed in C. sativa; that is, when the paternal parent had the higher chromosome number, there was a lethal disruption in embryo development, whereas when the maternal parent contained a chromosome excess, viable seeds were formed . Imbalances in the expression levels of the AGAMOUS-like gene families appeared to play important roles in the endosperm and embryo development failure in B. oleracea .

Research on potato showed that the strength of triploid block can vary among genotypes . Therefore, research into multiple genotypes and gene expression variations may be useful in obtaining a full understanding of asymmetrical compatibility and asymmetric triploid blocking in C. sativa as a species. Plant growth, development, metabolism, and morphology can be greatly manipulated by the quality and duration of light . Light quality denotes the color or wavelength adjacent to the surface of the plant, which affects plant growth, foliar and floral morphology, biochemical changes, and photosynthesis process.Plants use light sources both as energy sources and to adjust to environmental conditions.It was demonstrated that wavelengths ranging from 430 to 500 nm is effective for pigmentation, secondary metabolites production, chloroplast development, and functioning in photosynthesis . The wavelength range 500–600 nm also influences chlorophyll production and photosynthetic activity . On the other hand, the wavelength range 640–670 nm was found effective in leaf area, photosynthetic activity, and plant biomass accumulation.

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Items to measure intention were developed in accordance with guidelines for measuring intention in TPB surveys

Measuring disgust as it applies specifically toward insect-eating behavior and evaluating this construct within a negative behavioral belief paradigm might have provided clearer insight into attitudes toward eating insects. While not using TPB as the theoretical framework per se, reported that negative perception of factors related to genetically modified foods were critical to acceptance. It has previously been suggested that highly salient negative factors relating to hemp food’s association with alternate uses for cannabis have a greater influence on early acceptance and uptake of the novel food than positive health benefits. Consistent with a previous approach , negative behavioral beliefs have been treated as a discrete construct in the current study resulting in four constructs to be evaluated against intention; negative behavioral beliefs, positive behavioral beliefs, normative beliefs, and perceived control. Response items were then evaluated by four third-party volunteers who gave their interpretation of each item including whether they considered the behavioral beliefs to be a positive or negative attribute of hemp food, and this was compared to the researchers’ transcript for confirmation.

Once it was agreed that the interpretation was consistent with intended meanings, the items were transposed into the phase 2 questionnaire. The use of TPB as a theoretical framework for the evaluation of acceptance of a novel food is not a new concept, however, evaluating the behavioral beliefs that form attitudes toward the food as discrete positive and negative entities is a new approach.For example, included negative attitude as a discrete construct in their study of acceptance of insects as a novel food. The current study accepted empirical evidence of the importance of negative factors in the evaluation of novel foods and developed discrete positive and negative attitudinal constructs from qualitative surveys of consumer behavioral beliefs. This approach proved beneficial to understanding the acceptance of hemp food as the negative attitude items while loading onto a single factor and correlating positively with each other, had differential effects on the construct associated with the psychological benefits of Cannabidiol oil. Originally developed as a component of positive attitudes, anomalies detected early in the analysis of the data led to the construct defined as relating to CBD being identified as a potential mediator between negative attitudes and intention to consume under the TPB framework.

While the negative association of the CBD constructs with three of the items was theoretically and statistically supported, the positive association with two of the items was counterintuitive and is discussed below. In the qualitative phase of the study, a perception of an association between hemp food and CBD oil provided an impetus for the development of the items relating to the psychological benefits of CBD oil. Reduced anxiety and increased relaxation were perceived by survey participants as a positive aspect of hemp food through this association. While these benefits are not promoted as applicable to hemp food, it is the perception of the benefits through association with CBD oil that contributes to a consumer’s intention to consume the food. What has been revealed through the application of SEM, however, is a differential influence of the perception of CBD on intention to consume hemp food, dependent upon which negative aspect of attitude is being addressed. On further examination, there appear to be three possible interpretations of the findings. The first is that despite the association of hemp food with CBD oil being perceived as a positive aspect of the product, there remains a belief that; a: There remains an association with both THC and CBD and a subsequent belief that potential for testing positive to THC after consumption of hemp food exists, and b: That not enough is known about the effects of eating hemp food.

This association would be potentially problematic for the hemp food industry as it may suggest that despite assurances from industry and government sources that THC in hemp food is below detectable levels , consumer acceptance of this assertion appears to be low. The overall mediating effect of the association of hemp food with CBD oil, however, has a positive effect on the intention to consume hemp foods and can therefore be viewed as benefitting hemp food acceptance. While this may indicate that an association with CDB oil has thus far influenced the acceptance of hemp food, the long-term outcome from such an association would not be beneficial. It has been demonstrated that knowledge of hemp food may be lacking within the marketplace but as consumer education increases and the distinction between CBD oil and hemp food becomes more apparent, any positive influence the misperception has had to that point may be reversed.

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These substances should be avoided by carriers of pathogenic variants since this pattern increases the risk of adverse cardiac events

Moreover, in their study of heavy cannabis users, Taylor et al. found that 77% had traces of THC in their hair, 73% had CBN, and 19% had CBD . Similarly, Franz et al. found that THC-OH concentrations in participants’ hair varied between 0.05 and 37.6 pg/mg . The research indicates that exposure to high levels of undeclared tetrahydrocannabinol can adversely affect consumer health, particularly in the form of cannabinoid sensitisation or the development of a cannabinoid allergy, with symptoms ranging from mild to potentially fatal reactions. This sensitisation is particularly of concern because of cross-reactivity with similar substances, such as latex, tobacco, or alcoholic beverages derived from plants or other foods . There is also evidence of cannabis arteritis among young cannabisconsuming adults, which is a severe peripheral vascular disease that can cause a loss of limb use .

Moreover, preclinical research has indicated that although cannabinoids can have antineoplastic effects, they might contribute to the early stages of malignant trans-formation . Based on the abovementioned evidence, there is a clear need to conduct thorough research into the effects of cannabinoid use and to ensure that these effects are used solely for the treatment of dermatological conditions. Of particular concern is this study’s fifinding that cosmetic products meant to be left on tend to have a higher total tetrahydrocannabinol content than those that are rinsed off. This may be the result of most of the products tested here being marketed as treatments for atopic dermatitis and eczema. These dermatological conditions imply inflflammatory dermatoses that can cause the skin barrier to weaken, meaning an increased risk of skin infection for consumers of cosmetic or personal care products adulterated with undeclared tetrahydrocannabinol. In addition, more vulnerable groups, such as the elderly, children below three years of age, and immunocompromised individuals, are particularly susceptible to the effects of adulterated cannabinoid-based products .

Finally, products marketed as suitable for application near the eyes are a particular issue due to the fragility of periocular skin . This study has revealed that although cannabinoid-based cosmetics offer potential treatment methods for a variety of inflflammatory conditions, there are still several areas of concern. For example, only limited research has demonstrated their effificacy and safety, with most data emerging from preliminary animal studies. In addition, the frequent adulteration of these products with undeclared tetrahydrocannabinol is an important issue. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that current regulations be revised and updated to ensure better compliance for cannabinoid-based cosmetic products. Sudden death can be defined as the unexpected natural death of a healthy individual occurring within the first hour after the onset of symptoms or, if death is unwitnessed, within 24 h of the victim being seen in a healthy state. Albeit SD can have many causes, it is normally of cardiac origin, and in those younger than 35 years, it is mainly due to cardiomyopathies and channelopathies . Brugada syndrome is the second most common channelopathy after Long QT syndrome. Sudden death is often the first clinical manifestation of BrS, and this syndrome is not associated with macroscopic/microscopic anomalies, albeit recurrent flogosis and fibrosis in some cardiac districts have been reported .

BrS is characterized by autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance, incomplete penetrance and variable expressivity . SCN5A, which encodes the pore-forming ion-conducting α-subunit of the cardiac sodium channel , is the most frequently mutated gene in BrS cases . In particular, the level of expression of Nav1.5 sodium channels is a critical determinantof the arrhythmogenic process, and its decrease may be a sign of BrS in heterozygous patients . In particular, SCN5A variants can cause late Na+ current and thus the clinical manifestations of both BrS and Long QT syndrome.The only diagnostic ECG pattern of BrS can occur either spontaneously or in response to many licit and illicit drugs.Despite there being not strong evidence of an association between cannabis use and type 1 Brugada ECG pattern, a potential favoring role of this substance has been described . In this paper, we report a case of sudden death in a young consumer of cannabis in which the autopsy revealed a long and thick myocardial bridging , adipositas cordis, fibrosis of the sino-atrial node, and postmortem genetic testing found a variant previously associated to BrS.

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There is growing interest in the roles of CBs in the modulation of various aspects of cancer growth

Enzymes involved in the synthesis and degradation of ECs play an important role in cell signal transduction . Both AEA and 2-AG are removed from their sites of action by uptake and metabolized intracellularly . The enzymes involved in the degradation of ECs are fatty acid-amide hydrolase and monoacylglycerol lipase . In some tissues, ECs can also undergo oxidative catabolism through the lipoxygenase, cyclooxygenase 2 , and cytochrome P450 isoenzymes . The action of these enzymes leads to the generation of various compounds such as prostaglandin-ethanolamides and glyceryl esters, hydroxy-anandamides and hydroxycosatetraenoylglycerols . Some of these endocannabinoid metabolites are biologically active .Cancer cells rapidly and uncontrollably proliferate and have the ability to invade other tissues, causing metastasis . It has been reported that ECS dysregulation occurs during carcinogenesis and may be responsible for cancer aggressiveness . ECs can modulate several aspects of tumorigenesis . A major discovery was the recognition of the ability of CBs to kill a plethora of cancer cells .

CBs promote apoptosis and autophagy, induce cell cycle arrest, and have inhibitory effects on the migration, invasion, and self-renewal of tumor cells . These processes can be both dependent and independent of CB receptors, showing that the antitumor activity of CBs has much more complex molecular mechanisms than originally thought . In addition, CBs exhibit several palliative effects in cancer patients . Apoptosis, autophagy and inhibition of proliferation. A major characteristic of cancer cells is uncontrolled proliferation. CB receptor activation increases de novo production of ceramide, a sphingolipid with proapoptotic functions . The upregulation of the ceramide-induced stress-regulated protein p8 causes apoptosis through the overexpression of genes encoding the activating transcription factor 4, and Tribbles homolog 3 . TRB3 is also responsible for inhibition of the Akt/mTORC1 complex axis, which causes autophagy-mediated apoptosis and the inhibition of cell proliferation .Although it is best known as the source of a recreational drug, the Cannabis sativa plant has a large variety of other uses, e.g., as an ingredient in food and cosmetics, a textile material, and a medicinal product . The cannabis plant contains various chemical compounds known as cannabinoids, which is a term that initially only encompassed those substances produced by the plant, namely, phytocannabinoids.

One of these compounds is tetrahydrocannabinol , which causes psychoactive effects known from the recreational use of cannabis. Moreover, endocannabinoids refer to cannabinoids that are naturally produced within the body as part of the endocannabinoid system, while synthetic cannabinoids are manufactured substances that have similar properties to phytocannabinoids . The phytocannabinoid cannabidiol has been the focus of attention due to its neurological and anti-inflflammatory effects . Products containing CBD are often sold over the counter, e.g., as dietary supplements, to circumvent the laws regulating medicinal products. Substances derived from cannabis, such as hemp oil and other cannabis extracts, are becoming increasingly common ingredients in cosmetics . Recent studies have demonstrated the potential use of cannabinoids to treat dermatological conditions, such as pruritus, skin cancer, and inflflammatory skin diseases . For instance, hemp oil is offered on the market as a cosmetic hair treatment, with product manufacturers claiming that the direct application of the oil can moisturise and protect hair, promote hair growth, and repair damaged hair. Despite the lack of scientifific evidence supporting these claims, numerous online outlets sell these products, which range in composition from pure hemp oil to shampoos and similar hair treatments containing lower concentrations of hemp oil .

EU cosmetics regulations state that all hemp-derived natural raw materials contained in cosmetics must be derived from Cannabis sativa plant parts, including seeds, leaves, or leaves without tops, whereby the total THC content must not exceed 0.2%; notably, the flflowering or fruiting parts of Cannabis sativa generally feature higher THC concentrations. The use of nonfifibrous cannabis material with an excess of 0.2% THC is forbidden, and this limit of THC refers only to hemp plants—not to hemp-derived cosmetic ingredients . In contrast, UAE cosmetic regulations state that the manufacturer of any cosmetic product containing hemp oil or cosmetic oil containing CBD must demonstrate that their fifinished cosmetic products are free from tetrahydrocannabinols by tetrahydrocannabinol content testing in municipal laboratories or accredited laboratories.

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All participants provided informed consent electronically before beginning the survey

Investigating the mechanisms involved in both alcohol and cannabis-mediated inflflammatory priming within the lung is important to better understand the pulmonary immune system and may reveal pathways susceptible to pharmacological intervention. In conclusion, although the experimental data are emerging, the increase in alcohol and cannabis sales during the time of pandemic should focus the attention of health and scientific professionals to this potential problem, for both health of both direct and indirect victims of COVID-19. Since the declaration of COVID-19 as a global pandemic by the World Health Organization on 11 March 2020, disparities in COVID-19-associated morbidity and mortality have emerged among older adults and individuals living with chronic health conditions . Within the United States, medicinal cannabis use is legal in certain states for individuals with certain health conditions, such as cancer .

Cancer survivors, including those who use medicinal cannabis, have been recommended to take additional precautions to reduce COVID-19 exposure due to increased risk for COVID-19 hospitalization and mortality among individuals with pre-existing chronic health conditions . Beyond the physical risks of COVID-19, individuals with chronic health conditions are reporting increased anxiety and depressive symptoms, as well as adverse economic outcomes including loss of employment and health insurance . Prior studies, including those conducted by the study team, have documented increased reports of physical and mental health symptoms during the pandemic period among cancer survivors compared to adults without a history of cancer . Legal qualifying medical conditions for cannabis use vary by state within the United States; cancer and HIV/AIDs are conditions consistently included across all legal states . Despite variation in the legality of cannabis, “conclusive or substantial evidence” in the effectiveness of cannabis to treat chronic pain, chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting, and patient-reported multiple sclerosis spasticity symptoms were identified in 2017 by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine in a report on the Health Effects of Cannabis and Cannabinoids: The Current State of Evidence and Recommendations for Research .

Cannabis contains phytocannabinoids that have been shown to engage with the endocannabinoid system, an endogenous system responsible for homeostasis. Receptors for the endocannabinoid system, CB1 and CB2, are located throughout the body and bind with phytocannabinoids depending on their affinity. CB2 receptors have been identified as opportunities for cannabis, CBD in particular, to impact the health of cancer patients due to its opportunity to effect pain and immune function, for example . Though clinical evidence on the indications of cannabis use for cancer has traditionally been limited due to federal legalization status, observational studies of cannabis consumers identify pain management, nausea, appetite, anxiety, depression, and sleep as most prevalent reasons for use . Further, medical cannabis use has been identified as a coping strategy to help manage physical and mental health symptoms among cancer survivors . However, the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on cannabis use behaviors and other coping strategies among cancer survivors remains underexplored. Cannabis as a coping strategy differs from other strategies largely due to its unique relationship with the human endocannabinoid system.

Cannabis has the opportunity to impact physical and mental health through cannabinoids that engage with the body based on the type of cannabis used and the method of delivery. The objective of the study is to identify changes to cannabis use, methods of cannabis delivery, and coping strategies among cancer survivors, and to describe differences in cannabis behaviors and coping strategies by cancer status among an age-matched sample of cannabis users from the COVID-19 cannabis health study.Cross-sectional data are from the COVID-19 cannabis health study, a multisite study designed to examine COVID-19 impacts on cannabis use patterns and related behaviors among adult medicinal and recreational cannabis users . The study includes domains regarding COVID-19 testing, diagnosis, and probable COVID-19 symptoms; measures of mental health symptoms reported since the COVID-19 pandemic; cannabis and other substance use behaviors before and during the pandemic period; and self-report of physician diagnosis of chronic health conditions. Study eligibility criteria included adults 18 yearsof age or older; participants included cannabis users and non-cannabis users.

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As seen in the previous section the recovery of terpenes consists of extracting EO

Differences in yield appear depending on the state of the material and the particle size. Considering the need to find sustainable processes, it also seems important to explore eco-friendly solvent extraction. UAE is an extraction technique using ultrasound waves, mechanical vibrations that pass through the extraction medium. The waves create acoustic cavitation through the generation of cycles of expansion and compression, inducing the formation of bubbles which expand and collapse. These effects provoke the destruction of cell walls, thereby releasing the cell contents . Table 2 summarizes the different operating conditions used and the results obtained in the different studies using UAE process for the extraction of PC from cannabis. Most UAE is done using an ultrasonic bath with methanol or its aqueous mixture as a solvent. These two solvents are often used for the extraction of antioxidants from plants . The influence of the nature of the solvent on the extraction of PC using ultrasounds has been carried out on defatted seed and meal . The solvents used are water, MeOH, EtOH and acetone at various concentrations. Pure solvents and water led to a lower extraction of PC in comparison with a mixture of aqueous solvents, emphasizing the importance of the polarity of the solvent for the extraction. The optimum yield is obtained for an aqueous mixture of 75% or 80% acetone.

Microwave-assisted extraction , pressurized liquid extraction , extrusion and rapid solid–liquid dynamic extraction have also been used to recover PC from cannabis. Microwaves are electromagnetic radiations that can penetrate plant biomass and interact with polar molecules. The water contained in the biomass absorbs the microwave energy and induces rapid heating of the cells, causing their disruption and the release of the desired components . MAE is an excellent green extraction technology and is particularly appropriate for the recovery of polar molecules such as phenolic compounds from plant materials . The operating conditions tested were water as solvent with liquid/solid ratios between 4 and 6 mL/g, a microwave input power equal to 440, 700 or 1100 W, and times of extraction ranging from 1 to 5 min. The optimum conditions obtained by applying the response surface methodology are a L/S ratio of 6 mL/g, an input power of 700 W, and an extraction time of 5 min. Extraction by ultrasounds of the biomass pretreated by microwaves yielded respective TPC and TFC contents of 13.31 mg GAE/g FW and 0.19 mg LUE/g FW. The resulting extract showed 27.52% of DPPH inhibition and a reducing power of 15.64 µmol Fe/g FW. Similarly to ultrasounds, the authors underlined the influenceof the microwave power, in particular the appearance of degradations due to an excessive temperature in the material generated by microwave power and its interaction with time. Pressurized liquid extraction is a technique used to perform extractions from solid and semi-solid samples under pressure. Accelerated solvent extraction is an equivalent technique, the equipment named identically can operate at room temperature as well as temperatures above the boiling point of solvents, using pressure to keep the solvent in its liquid state . Like MAE, only a few studies have used PLE for the recovery of PC from cannabis. Kitryt˙e et al. used this technology to develop and optimize a multi-step biorefining process for the isolation of cannabinoid and antioxidant fractions from hemp aerial parts.

Their biorefining approach included three consecutive processes, a supercritical CO2 extraction for the isolation of cannabinoids, a PLE for the extraction of PC, and a fifinal step with enzyme assisted extraction to break the cell wall and release its interesting compounds. During the PLE extraction, acetone was applied during optimized conditions of extraction , followed by an EtOH aqueous mixture in the same conditions. The acetone and ethanolic fractions resulted in TPC contents of 5.02 mg GAE/g DW and 23.52 mg GAE/g DW of initial plant material, respectively. In accordance with the cited results, most identifified flflavonoids were in the ethanolic fraction. Temperature was an important parameter: an increase to 100 C enables better extraction of PC while extraction at 130 C leads to a color change and potential degradation of PC. In addition, the ethanolic fraction showed the highest antioxidant capacity. A strong correlation was found between PC and the antioxidant activity of the extract, in particular using ABTS assay. ASE is usually considered to be an interesting technique to replace CSE because a better extraction efficiency is achieved using less solvent in a shorter time as in the work of Bassil . The focused was on the extraction of coumaric and ferulic acids from hemp hurds and dust. ASE yielded 1.5 times more total phenolic content in 30 min than CSE in 24 h. However, ASE was equivalent to CSE in the case of dust.The terpenes are among the main compounds of the essential oil of cannabis . Cannabis’ EO is a liquid with a yellow color more or less pronounced, composed of monoand sesquiterpenes but also of other molecules such as terpene alcohols and cannabinoids.Diverse biological activities have been associated with C. sativa EO including insecticidal, nematicide, antimicrobial, fungicidal, anti-leishmanial, antioxidant, anti-acetylcholinesterase or neuroactive activities . The terpenes present in cannabis EO are responsible for the smell of the plant . Based on the studied articles, the yield of cannabis EO can reach up to 0.55% of dry matter , the most abundant monoterpene found is often β-myrcene. This compound described in Figure 4 have demonstrated antiinflammatory, analgesic, and anxiolytic activities and is used as a flavoring agent, solvent oradditive of lubricating oils.

Caryophyllene, also used as flavoring agent, is the most abundant sesquiterpene in many cultivars. Other sesquiterpenes present in significant quantities such as humulene and caryophyllene oxide can be identified in the EO of cannabis, the latter is the degradation product of caryophyllene.These compounds have shown an important anti-inflammatory activity as well as anticancer, analgesic and antipyretic properties, mainly for caryophyllene and caryophyllene oxide . Since terpenes constitute the major components of cannabis EO, studies of EO are often linked to terpenes. Cannabis EO yield and the terpene contents vary significantly according to the varieties, and between monoecious and dioecious varieties . Moreover, sesquiterpenes are the highest in the earlier harvest time while monoterpenes appear to increase in comparison to sesquiterpenes in the late harvest time, especially when the crop is subject to a water stress .

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