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- A corollary to the renewal provision is the ability to assign biomass production to another farmer
- Cost-minimization and the sociological-compatibility perspectives thus are not inherently in conflict
- Personal risks include the risk of producer injury or death
- Enforcement of federal statutes is accomplished through partnerships between state and federal agencies
- Food providers must demonstrate due diligence or face criminal consequences
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Tag Archives: cannabis grow
The estimates of the parameters are functions of the milk cow herd size variable in question
Again, Wolf and Sumner find no evidence of a bimodal dairy industry using Farm Cost and Return Surveys of dairy farms for the years 1989 and 1993. In MacDonald et al. , they suggest that larger dairies tend to have lower … Continue reading
Posted in Commercial Cannabis Cultivation
Tagged cannabis cultivation, cannabis grow, vertical grow system
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Farmer knowledge accumulation by farmers in this study was mostly observational and experiential
In another example, several of the farmers learned about variations in their soil type by directly observing how soil “behaved” using cover crop growth patterns. These farmers discussed that they learned about patchy locations in their fields, including issues with … Continue reading
Posted in Commercial Cannabis Cultivation
Tagged cannabis cultivation, cannabis grow, vertical grow system
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The PURE index only captures impact from active ingredients in pesticides
The number of certified operations and cropland acreage in California doubled between 2002 and 2016. State organic crop sales increased almost tenfold at the farm level, in real terms, during the same time period . This essay uses field-level pesticide … Continue reading
Posted in Commercial Cannabis Cultivation
Tagged cannabis cultivation, cannabis grow, vertical grow system
Comments Off on The PURE index only captures impact from active ingredients in pesticides
Local context may affect such trends in perceptions of availability
The present study found no effect of adolescent cannabinoid exposure in the escalation model, suggesting that adolescent WIN exposure may not facilitate the acquisition, maintenance, or escalation of cocaine use in adulthood. An alternative hypothesis is that the effect of cannabinoid use … Continue reading
Posted in Commercial Cannabis Cultivation
Tagged cannabis cultivation, cannabis grow, vertical grow system
Comments Off on Local context may affect such trends in perceptions of availability
One agriculturalist reported receiving death threats after selling water to cannabis cultivators
These stigmatizing views of Hmong-American cultivators affect all cannabis growers. Anti-cannabis pressure creates a precarious state of impermanence — a season’s crop might be destroyed, infrastructure confiscated and investments of limited resources lost at any moment, disallowing longer-term investments. The … Continue reading
Posted in Commercial Cannabis Cultivation
Tagged cannabis cultivation, cannabis grow, vertical grow system
Comments Off on One agriculturalist reported receiving death threats after selling water to cannabis cultivators
We investigated whether local policies might play a role in this uneven distribution
Remarkably, Irvine has 9.7% of the Hispanic population, and Santa Ana—77.3%. In Outsiders, Howard Becker defines three types of social control of cannabis use: limiting supply and access to the drug; keeping nonusers from discovering that one is a user; defining the act as … Continue reading
Posted in Commercial Cannabis Cultivation
Tagged cannabis cultivation, cannabis grow, vertical grow system
Comments Off on We investigated whether local policies might play a role in this uneven distribution
California has been a pioneer in both criminalizing and decriminalizing cannabis
As I discussed above, cannabis prohibition and cannabis legalization are not separate processes; these are two dialectically united phenomena that interact, contradict, negate, and reaffirm each other. Socio-legal scholars, who are interested in cannabis as a criminal justice issue, often … Continue reading
Posted in Commercial Cannabis Cultivation
Tagged cannabis cultivation, cannabis grow, vertical grow system
Comments Off on California has been a pioneer in both criminalizing and decriminalizing cannabis
The present study investigates a gap between people’s expectations and the adopted policies
The image of cannabis as a dangerous drug was promoted in the public discourse, which resulted in its classification as a Schedule I narcotic by the 1970’s Controlled Substances Act .11 In the 1980s, with the launch of the war … Continue reading
Posted in Commercial Cannabis Cultivation
Tagged cannabis cultivation, cannabis grow, vertical grow system
Comments Off on The present study investigates a gap between people’s expectations and the adopted policies
There are no limitations on how many servings may be in a single marijuana product
The advertising and marketing restrictions in AUMA prohibit the use of cartoon characters, giveaways, and adverThising on billboards located on an “Interstate Highway or State Highway which crosses the border of any other state.” The signage requirements for marijuana licensees … Continue reading
Posted in Commercial Cannabis Cultivation
Tagged cannabis cultivation, cannabis grow, vertical grow system
Comments Off on There are no limitations on how many servings may be in a single marijuana product
Diacetyl inhalation is associated with bronchioliThis obliterans and other severe respiratory diseases
One caveat for the locomotor studies is that the arena was not as large compared with the size of a lobster as the similar ratio for typical open field studies conducted in rodents. Similarly, the water depth was limited to … Continue reading
Posted in Commercial Cannabis Cultivation
Tagged cannabis cultivation, cannabis grow, vertical grow system
Comments Off on Diacetyl inhalation is associated with bronchioliThis obliterans and other severe respiratory diseases