Tag Archives: cannabis grow

Alcohol and nicotine are among the most commonly used substances by women before and during pregnancy

One approach to do this would be to disseminate tailored messages through adolescent peer networks to modify norms favoring the concurrent use of these substances, and therefore alter peer influences condoning the use of one of these substances or the … Continue reading

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The GAD-7 is a 7-question validated tool to assess symptoms of generalized anxiety

Our research team conducted 100 interviews of youth aged 18 to 24 between May 2017 and April 2018, with written informed consent obtained before each interview. Our survey questionnaire was composed of the Government Performance and Results Act survey for adolescents, … Continue reading

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The schools were recruited based on their adequate representation of diverse demographic characteristics

Dual use of conventional and e-cigarettes is also common in adolescents , raising the possibility that some adolescents may use e-cigarettes to substitute for conventional cigarettes in situations where smoking is restricted. Indeed, school bathrooms and staircases are among the … Continue reading

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Interview data were self-reported and may have reflected social desirability bias or human error

Reported heavy workloads and a lack of dedicated time to integrate naloxone screening into the pharmacy workflow was cited by 6 of 8 respondents as making it difficult to prioritize furnishing naloxone. One respondent noted, “It’s really time. We don’t … Continue reading

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Endogenous opioids are necessary for the expression of pain relief and pain-induced aversion

Pain is a protective evolutionary function that involves “unpleasant sensory and emotional experiences associated with, or resembling that associated with, actual or potential tissue damage” . Acute pain is an adaptive and essential survival behavior. Chronic pain is a pathological … Continue reading

Posted in Commercial Cannabis Cultivation | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Endogenous opioids are necessary for the expression of pain relief and pain-induced aversion

Manuscript data and code are available from corresponding author upon request

Furthermore, a significant relationship was found between GCS scores, sex, blood alcohol levels, and a history of substance abuse at the time of presentation in the ED. Older participants were found to have higher GCS scores, indicating a less serious … Continue reading

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Marijuana exposure is identified through the presence of Cannabinoid in a urine toxicology screen

A recent study by Arabian et al. revealed the presence of inaccuracy and variability between hospitals, specifically in the areas of data coding and injury severity scoring. Additionally, the type of registry software a hospital utilizes can report injury severity scores … Continue reading

Posted in Commercial Cannabis Cultivation | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Marijuana exposure is identified through the presence of Cannabinoid in a urine toxicology screen

Level of evidence and risk of bias were assessed for each of the included studies

Alternatively, being male, having elevated blood alcohol levels and having other drugs present on admission were all found to have a significant influence on GCS scores and TBI severity, with GCS scores being lower for all three variables, implying a … Continue reading

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Effect sizes for regression analyses are presented as estimated regression coefficients in the results section

One limitation of this report is the study population consisted of HIV-negative MSM in Hanoi enrolled into a cohort study and is not necessarily representative of the community prevalence among MSM in Hanoi or other cities in Vietnam. Our finding … Continue reading

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The coalition includes charter schools and their associations as well as education advocacy groups

Unions were concerned that charter schools would be difficult to unionize, leading to losses of membership and union jobs. As far as school boards were concerned, chartering would diminish their power by allowing newly forming schools to apply directly to “authorizers” … Continue reading

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